Yahoo Fantasy Baseball signups open!

I played last year, and had a blast. Count me in again this season if there’s space. :slight_smile:

I just noticed this thread. I’ve played in baseball leagues in the past and I’ll play again. Just send me the signup info.

Hey guys – haven’t been checking the SDMB much lately, and came in tonight expressly to see if anything was happening with this yet. I’m definitely interested – gonna see if any of my late-season momentum carries over to this year. With a bit better draft I might have a chance.

Everybody’s heard my thoughts on categories way too many times already, so I’ll leave that up to everyone else, but I’d support getting rid of a category each offensively and defensively, and Batter Ks and Pitcher TBA would be my nominees.

I’ll try to make it in here a little more regularly to keep up with what’s going on. Keep us posted on when the league gets set up.

Hey, I just went over to Yahoo to see what’s new this year, and noticed that they’ve added a “Fantasy Sports Profile” that lets you see (most of) your results in Yahoo Fantasy Sports leagues over the years. In my case, it knows I’ve been activein Yahoo baseball leagues since 1999, but the results aren’t available (even though the league names are) for 1999, 2000, and 2002. Anyway, it’s kind of cool to have that historical info available, even if it doesn’t mean much.

Bumping this because it’s getting close to time for us to start pulling everything together.

So looking forward to this draft.

I’m still willing to commish the league, somewhere upthread is the info on the time slot I’ve got. People should let me know if that time is good for them or not. The consensus seems to be to use the same settings as last year, minus the negative counting stats (Batter’s K, TBA).

I’m about to be offline for a few days - should be back on line by Tuesday at the latest. Unless someone else wants to take over, I’ll release the league info then.

I’d be very interested in joining, if the league isn’t filled yet. I know it’s way late. I just learned today that I got squeezed out of my regular league because of a miscommunication. :frowning:

Still plenty of room! Glad to have you.

Wilson, that draft time works just fine for me.

okay, so what are the specifics? how many owners and league id/passwords, too.

gr…i need a nap…no talky good for trevor.

Draft time is cool with me.

Wilson, just for clarity and completeness, asuming you’re sticking with the Commish job, could you outline the stats, league size, and whatever else needs to be known/settled before we start doing signups.


WOO HOO! 'Topes rule!

Wilson’s draft time works as well as any other for me. The later the better, generally speaking.

What I’m proposing we go with is up to 18 teams (I think we wound up with 17 last year), universe of all MLB players. Rotisserie scoring, full season. No max on trades or moves. Trade deadline Aug 27 (the latest I could set it), trade reject time 2 days with rejection power in the commish’s hands (I think that’s what we did last year).
Waiver time is 2 days, can’t cut list is Yahoo’s standard.
Games per position 162, innings 1250 (anyone remember if that’s what we did last year?).
Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, IF, LF, CF, RF, OF, Util, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL.

And Tuffy Rhodes is MINE.

If there’s still room, I’d like to join.

No guarantees about being at the draft but I’ll be fighting it out until, well, the last out.

I am good for that draft time, I think. Can’t say 100%, but probably couldn’t for any day a month out.

Last year we upped the IP max to 1350 because everyone was carrying at least a couple setup guys (~50 IP each) for holds… then again, I think between injuries and league depth I think only three or four of the 17 teams got above 1250 after all. So not sure it matters either way - then again, without total bases, one of the major disincentives to try to push up towards the IP cap is removed, so that may make more marginal “rate” pitchers acceptably playable for W/K/SV/H. Who really knows with stuff like this 'till you see it in action :slight_smile:

If there’s a way to do away with the can’t cut list completely, I’d vote for that. In a league like this one, I hate the idea that if some alleged stud on my roster goes down for the season Opening Day, I’m stuck with them taking up a DL slot all year. While a guy like that costs a real team money, he doesn’t impair their ability to put the best players they can afford on the field. If there’s a chance he’s going to be back, you’re not likely to cut him anyway, partly because you don’t want to lose him yourself and partly because you don’t want him contributing to anyone else. If not, you should be able to replace him with whatever you can find.

We upped the IP limit, because we had additional pitcher slots beyond the Yahoo! standard number. I don’t think many of us came close to the limit last year, but the year before when we had the standard limit and extra pitcher slots, lots of us blew past the 1250 IP limit.

my only concern is the innings pitched category…

but if you guys didn’t come close last year, i’m down with it…

…why not just kill it entirely if nobody came close to it, however?

I should clarify – nobody exceeded the 1350 IP limit we had last year, but several did exceed 1250, which is the default setting for Yahoo! leagues.

Obviously, the reason for having the limit in the first place is so that you can’t just pile up wins and other counter stats without excercising any judgment about which guys to start and which ones to bench.

worth noting: the do not cut list is updated every day. so if alex rodriguez’s groin explodes (in the non porn way, thank you very much), you can cut him promptly.