Your worst childhood photo.

Ugggh! bluggggghhh! Ahhhh, I do! That’s…horrible!!

pinkfreud, that’s a darling picture. I don’t think you look any different from any other photos I’ve seen of girls in that era.

Thanks, but tell that to the boys in my class back then! They sure didn’t think I was cute, and they let me know it, many times. Little beasts. At least I know how to dress now, anyway. :wink:

I’m not too proud of the one Mom took the day I found the brown clay/fingerpaint/foodstuff in my diaper. But at least I was a baby then!

In my 9th grade school yearbook picture, I was wearing a turquoise and red striped polo shirt (ugh!), had a very short self-inflicted haircut, and was wearing earrings which closely resembled bloated turquoise-colored plastic ticks hanging from my ears.
After that year, I moved away, then came back as a senior (much improved). Imagine my horror when my new friends got out their old yearbooks and realized who I was!

Not my worst , but definitely a bad one. Taken at the happiest moment of my highschool life - I was finally dancing with my crush, and I looked like crap (I’m the girl).

My ninth grade picture in 1988. I have crimped hair, a red cable-knit crew-neck sweater, and braces ONLY on my top teeth. Man, what a sex kitten I was.

Heh. Y’all shole was ugly. I don’t know exactly why I 'm doing this, but here you go.

I was in the 8th grade and just received a science award. I had it all. Ugly sweater with sleeves that are too short? Check. Highwater pants? Check. Ugly tennis shoes with extra long laces? Check. Why was I even WEARING high top tennis shoes w/ that outfit? Oversized glasses? Check.

But look how proud my mom was of me! :smiley:

Ah good times, good times.

Jeez, Dorjan, did our moms shop at the same sweater store? That sweater…looks like it was made out of a Persian rug. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pattern like that on a sweater. Sorry dude. But that PATTERN

(you were cute, though. ;))

Actually, I think I picked out that sweater.

I blame it on the 80’s.

The 80’s weren’t as cruel as the 70’s for clothes, but there was still a lot of stuff that hurt.

I remember wearing stirrup pants. With velcro sneakers. That was pretty bad.

I too, find this photo of you oddly compelling. You are just really attractive in this picture.
My worst picture, well it would take a huge team of photo experts to sort through them all to choose only one, but the first photo ever taken of me is really bad. I’m lying in the little crib, with the little sign saying Baby Boy Zebra ect. I’m crying. Oh and it looks like I have a ‘loaded’ diaper and yes the leg has gapped open and is showing it.
Trust me, they went downhill from there.

It’s funny, I think everybody who’s posted a picture was really cute (if sartorally challenged). I especially like the cats eye glasses.

If you guys are lucky I’ll find a school picture or two when I get home. 80’s perm, Coke bottle glasses, creative orthodontistry, and truly tragic fashion sense. The thing is, it wasn’t fashionable then either - I also didn’t get any dates until college. :wink:

This picture isn’t really that bad, except for some truly hideous pants. Hey, it was 1979.

There are worse pictures, of course, but I don’t seem to have any of them on the computer.

I can’t imagine why.

Hey, JSexton, you look just like my son at that age. If you were my son, though, that camera would be in numerous pieces. And not the pieces it is supposed to be in, either.

Heh. If it were MY camera, it probably would be thoroughly disassembled. That one didn’t belong to us, though. My father makes underwater housings for cameras. This shot is from his website.

I was not entirely pleased.

Not the worst, but I do not exactly have boxes of old photos around.

Angelfire’s blocking, so you’ll have to cut and paste:

I think we would have been friends in grade school.

Pffft. Amateurs.

It’s a cellphone picture of a wallet-sized photograph, but it gets the point across. Beige sweater lovingly knitted by Grandma? Check. Half-inch-thick glasses with horn-rim frames? Check. Green-and-white pinstriped shirt with collar sticking out of sweater? Check. Hair longer than shoulder-length? Hard to tell in this pic, but…check.

And this was 1992.

Yeah. I rule. You know it. :smiley:

I should try to find the family portrait we had made when I was about 15. My mom didn’t tell me we were going until about 15-20 minutes before, and wouldn’t let me have time to shower and wash my hair. So…oily hair pulled back off my very high forehead with combs? Check. Braces shining? Check. Overly severe navy dress? Check.

Bah, you people are a bunch of amateurs (and quite attractive too!). I didn’t see much wrong with any of your outfits. (Dorjän, you were obviously in the middle of a growth spurt and your proud mom obviously hadn’t had time to go shopping for you because she was too busy raising [and feeding!] a smart kid. But I digress.)

Anyway, you people made me haul out my scanner and finally sign up for a Photobucket account just to win this little contest. I actually have two entries because Mr. S and I disagreed on which one was the “best worst.”

Submitted for your disapproval:
5th grade (my nomination)
Too-small glasses, perching on the end of the nose? Check.
Shapeless hair with too-long bangs split stupidly down the middle? Check.
Flap from overalls dress (yes, it was a dress) flapping in the breeze? Check.

8th grade (his nomination)
Corny 80’s perm? Check.
Huge plastic 80’s Coke-bottle glasses? Check.
Zits o’plenty? Check.
Picket-fence teeth one year before the application of orthodontia? Check.
Dorky sweater/shirt combo (yes, that’s a fake shirt) with gold threads? Check.
Cheap necklace clasp sticking out? Check.

Neither of those is a genuine smile, just a grimace for the photographer. School didn’t give me much reason to smile. Also, consider that these are the best representations of me on film and you can appreciate just how dorky I really was.

By the way, last year Mr. S worked in an elementary school and a girl there looked exactly like me in the 5th grade picture. He says he was extra nice to her. I thanked him on behalf of dorky girls everywhere. We appreciate every bit of positive attention we can get!

(Thank Og I look very little like either of these pictures now. Maturity works wonders.)

I almost forgot, there is also the time when I was 14 and decided that I’d treat my poker-straight, shoulder-length hair to a spiral perm. By this age I was also wearing glasses.

I am not kidding when I say that perm and those glasses made me look just like Weird Al Yankovic.