Your worst childhood photo.

Friends? Hell, you look like the brother I might have had.

This would have made us mortal enemies, of course;)

[sub]Scarlett, had you and AFG stayed looking like that - oh, you know what I mean - you’d find your fair share of suitors on this board.[/sub]

Heh. Look at the pic I just posted. You could’ve been my sister. Same “tragic flaws” and all.

My 6th birthday party. In the picture, all the kids are sitting at the table wearing party hats and confused faces, except for my older sister who’s barely able to suppress her laughter. Then there’s me at the head of the table, with my mouth wide open, and eyes sqinched shut in anguish. My mom is trying to comfort me while looking at my sister, like she can’t believe she spawned such an evil creature.

Seconds before the picture was taken, my sister had informed me that since it was my party, I couldn’t participate in the games and fun activities that were lined up for the day.

Heh, I don’t have any of these pictures to scan, but sometime around grade 3 I decided that my photos looked stupid when I smiled. So, practicing in front of the mirror at home, I developed this…face I would make on school picture day: instead of smiling for the camera, I would lightly rest my top teeth against my bottom lip and turn up the corners of my mouth. I looked like I had suddenly come down with a bad case of gas while having tea with my grandmother and I didn’t want her to suspect.

Yes, it looked even dumber than it sounds.

I did this for every school picture up until around grade 7. It is so strange to see these pictures of myself, as my facial features were maturing and my hairstyles were changing, but the dumbass look on my face never changed.


Scarlett, you win. Roland, you are a close runnerup there, with that pic dating 1992!

I’m sure we’re all handsome gents and pretty ladies these days.

His nomination is definitely worse. You look cute in the first one! But, yeah, the second one? I’m glad you said you look different now. :wink:

Did you have the witless, awkward personality to match, too? I sure did.

Many thanks to those of you who have said complimentary things about my photo. As I look at it again, I am reminded of the movie Pleasantville. Why, I could have played a geekette who yearned after Tobey Maguire, but ended up going solo to the prom and dancing with other girls.

It always amazes me that some people look back on their youth with nostalgia and sweet memories. I wouldn’t relive those years for anything. Being a feeble middle-aged woman isn’t so great, but it sure beats being a miserable young one.

I wish I had access to my parent’s photo album. Boy, do I have some DOOZIES!

I wouldn’t mind encountering someone who looked like that and was close to my age…

[sub]And all those other applicable disclaimers…[/sub]

Incidentally, pinkfreud, do you happen to remember the topic of that display? I think I can make out one word (Probability), but the other words’ letters are too poorly-defined for me to make out enough to get a realistically-accurate guess at what they are.

I want to go home and raid the photo albums. I have some horrible pictures. The funny thing is, I was a cute baby and a cute toddler. (There’s a picture of me with one of my cousins that is so cute it hurts to look at it. Little girl [me], little boy [him], and a motorcycle.) After about age four, I became ugly. Eventually I became better-looking, but it took a long time.

I just sent an email to my sister, she’s gonna send me the big guns. You people will rue the day you tried to one-up in the bad-childhood-photo department.

Please stay tuned…

Two years old. Stark naked on the black leather LazyBoy. Big smile.

My mom loved to pull that one out to show to visitors. :rolleyes:

I don’t have a picture to post, but I found this one picture of me in this…thing. My hair was tied up so it looked like a water fountain of hair on top my head. The thing looked like this black-and-white 30’s dress with stripes and poofy sleeves and a pleated skirt. I think I was about two or so when it was taken. But…


Am I the only one who got a giggle after seeing the user name, then the pic description?

  • Shan

Worst photo? I had huge coke bottle glasses, messy hair, and clothes that were too big for me. Add that to the fact that I was in fourth grade (possibly the cruelest grade along with seventh), and I suffered no end of teasing. Add the fact that I already had a C-cup size that same year, got larger through 5th and 6th grade, and add the fact that I got acne.

Christ, puberty is cruel.

I was about eight or nine.

As I recall, it was a navy dress with a matching paisley yoke and pearl buttons. Metallic fuschia glasses that were entirely too big for my face and the wrong shape to boot. Stupid smile that looked like I was about to bust out screaming. A thin blue ribbon wrapped around my head with a cute widdle bow on top, valiantly fighting a losing battle against an Asian-style 'fro.

That picture is the only reason I need for NEVER EVER AGAIN getting my hair permed. Or wearing anything resembling paisley. Or glasses like those. Or… you get the idea. :rolleyes:

The panel in the middle says PROBABILITY: THEORETICAL & EMPIRICAL. The panel on the left says POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF 1,2,3,4. The panel on the right says GRAPHIC RESULTS. I built a device that shuffled four numbered ping-ping balls. I ran ten thousand trials to see whether each possible combination would come up approximately the same number of times, and I posted my results on a graph. Pretty simplistic stuff, but the device apparently interested the judges, and I did quite well, making it all the way to the finals of the state science fair before being beaten by kids who really knew their science. The state winner built the biggest homemade Van de Graaff generator I have ever seen. It was a lulu, and certainly deserved to beat my little gambling machine.

Oh sorry, forgot - no picture here. They are still in storage at parent’s house but think chubby, buck-toothed girl with long blond braids that made me look a little like a maniacal Laura Ingalls.