Men Rule - The Treasure Trail Appreciation Thread

Treasure trail, pleasure trail, happy trail, the road to glory.

You know what it is…that sexy little dark trail of hair below the navel of a hot hot hot hot hot man, leading down to the pot of gold at the bottom.

It is my opinion that a man with a nice, flat, muscled tummy and a gorgeous, manly treasure trail is automtically to be moved to the ‘sexy list’. There’s something so feral and primitive and sort of ape like about it.

God I love it. I love it I love it I love it.

Don’t you?

::: runs away screaming from this thread ::: :eek:

How about if the hair is abundant enough on the lower abdomen to be shaved into a little arrow pointing south? :smiley:

no no…it must be natural…a rambling tangle of dark, manly hair from a slightly tanned six pack belly.

guh guh guh…I’m all squirmy

sigh I don’t have the slightly tanned six pack belly either. :frowning:

I’m with you Jarbaby.

A treasure trail is pretty much enough to make my retinas disattach from the rest of my eyeball and go shooting right accross the room.


:slight_smile: It’s rather reassuring to see our gender being objectified! Even if you aren’t drooling in response to seeing me personally, every time I hear this kind of thing it increases my sense of the possible!

show me your tummy AHunter…let’s see what’s possible :wink:

Hooray for the objectification of men!

And for the objectification of hairy men!

–==the sax man==–

Ewww…gross. I’m for hairless, pale skinny geeks myself.

So when it said “treasure trail appreciation thread” what made you click on it if you hate it so much?

Come on boys and girls…voice your joy at the hairy tummies of the world!!!


I don’t care for the trail but I do appreciate a smooth six-pack myself (along with a six-pack of beer also).

<singing>Happy trails… to you… until… we meet… again…</singing>

For some reason, the happy trail is the only hair I like seeing on a male body. (Well, aside from on the head and face.) It’s part of why I love seeing guys with their shirts off, even if it does make me giddy/giggly like a schoolgirl.

DAMMIT! I just can’t win.

Does anyone out there like hairy, pale, skinny geeks?



“I like 'em short, I like 'em tall, I like 'em all!” :smiley:

Yes, BlackKnight, there are a lot of women who like hairy, pale, skinny geeks–actor Michael McManus has quite the drrrooolers!

(Frankly, I like my boyfriend’s little Ben&Jerry’s tummy–I’d be soooo insecure if he were “perfect”)

Well, it ain’t an untamed wild yet, but gimme a couple years and I’ll report back:)



I take it that Til Lindemann has a treasure trail that jarbabyj likes a lot?

So, what if someone only had a light trail?


Excuse me - I have to go put a cool cloth over my eyes…