Michael Jackson is melting - TMI picture for those with weak stomachs

On the stand at this current court case

What the hell is going on with his nose?

He looks terrible. I really think he need good mental help.

Is it me or does that guy just not look human any more? He looks like a freakin’ lemur.

It looks as if there is some kind of material holding his nose together. His proboscis looks like roughly molded hamburger stuffed inside a plastic tube.

Is it me or does that guy just not look human any more? He looks like a freakin’ lemur.

Nah, can’t be a lemur. Eyes aren’t big enough.

It looks like his nose is feld on with masking tape. WTF? WT blue-green rubbery F?

I’m scared now. Someone hold me.

Oh my.

It’s mesmerizing, in that train-wreck sort of way.
I can’t quit looking at it. It’s just so freakish looking.

Mommy, make the “BAD” man stop getting plastic surgery!

First thought that came to mind was Gelfling, but he’s not that cute.

Scary - just plain scary…

You’d think SOMEONE would be able to repair the damage! I heard that he developed a problem and it has been steadily…err…disappearing for years now. Very sad. What a shame someone with so much talent can be so desperately screwed up.

YIIIIIIIII!!! Where’s that new portable defibulator when you need it??

It looks like a failed attempt by an alien to pass for human.

Alien? That would explain it. The real Michael Jackson was kidnapped by aliens circa 1984 and replaced with this freak!


OMG!!! FCM, that was brilliant! If only his hair was white and he was missing an eye he’d owe Brian Hensen royalties!
Augra!!! Bwaaaaa-hahahahaha!

A disturbing walk down memory lane.

Oooooh! The Walking Dead!

I guess Thriller was a documentary. :eek:

I think its quite obvious really. Michael Jackson has uploaded his brain into the body of Justin Timberlake. If you’ve seen Justin recently and the video from his new album, you’ll understand what I mean.

The “body” of Michael Jackson is now devoid of any positive life-force and is slowing decaying away into nothingness. One day it will wake up and simply crumble.

You thought Michael Jackson was kooky… oh no… he’s discovered eternal life ala “Being John Malkovich” except in this case, he chose Justin Timberlake. Also explains why “Justin” suddenly found Britney unattractive.


::Insert vomit smiley here::