Who is the most annoying reality show contestant ever?

After watching another episode of the boring bunch of idiots on Big Brother 4, I realized that not only does it not have anyone to root for (where have you gone, Dr. Will?) it doesn’t even have anyone really obnoxious (at least not since Scott was kicked out).

It seems like the most involving reality shows have someone really despicible that I watch every week just hoping to see get the boot. I started wondering who was the most obnoxious I’ve ever seen, and I think that for me. personally, I’ve have yet to see anyone who irritated me as much as Brittany Petros from the first Big Brother (she of the nose ring and the two tone hair, and the "group snuggles’). She was such a shameless attention hound she drove me nuts. She even openly tried to shill herself for a job in the “entertainment industry” in her post eviction interview.

So that’s me, what about others. Don’t just limit it to Big Brother, all reality shows are on the table. Who did you hate? Naked Richard? That gold digger on Joe Millionaire (who’s name I can’t remember)? How about those insufferable directors on the current Project Greenlight? If you can’t remember names, descriptions will do.

Generaly, as I’ve managed to avoid regular network television programming, I’ve seen very few 'reality" type programs. Mostly those on PBS.
I managed to watch Survivor Outback, and from that I give you Jerri. She acussed, she gossiped, and she even went off about animals being killed. She is undoubtly the one game show contestant I’ve most wanted to smack across the face.

But on the flip side, the Brooks family from PBS’ Frontier House were a joy to watch, and the producers made us watch about the Glenn’s marriage falling apart and Papa Clune’s obsession with protien.But this one still rates as the best type of reality show.

I nominate all of them.

The only reality show I am a regular watcher of is the various Survivor Series. From those I’d recommend Rob, Robb, and Rob.

Kyle from the Real World Chicago.

He was sexist, manipulative, incredibly fake, and a total jerk. I can’t actually describe the awfulness that was Kyle, it’s really an atrocity you have to witness for yourself.

He’s on some soap opera now. Ick.

Flo from the Amazing Race 3. Granted, TAR is the only reality series I watch, so I can’t compare her to any Survivor or Big Brother contestants, but still. She whined constantly and gave up every 5 minutes. Yet she managed to win because her partner had the patience of a saint and was willing to drag her around the world.

CT/Chris and Adam from the current Real World Paris aren’t doing so well in the PR department. Same with the guy from RW Seattle (Stephen) who slapped Irene as she drove off.

Ahhhh, I got no beef with CT. I rather liked his “Get drunk and play pool until 7 AM” move. And every time he does anything involving flowers, it’s gonna be funny. Who’s Adam again? The ethnic (for lack of better term) looking guy? As in the one who’s not Ace, CT, or Simon?

I didn’t want to be the first to bring up MTV reality TV, but since it has and I was going to bring it up anyway…
From the current Road Rules, both the rather large black guy and the most recent woman to join the team piss me off. The guy is always crying and confused about why people aren’t happy with him, especially two (I think) weeks ago when he lost the ice-climbing thing for them. The woman complains far too much, IMO, and seems to have been unaware when she signed up that she may have to do some stuff that isn’t the most comfortable/pleasant.

I’ve actually grown to like Donnell. One good thing about him is that he never whines about missions, and he has to work harder than anyone else to keep up because of his size. He’s rude, but he’s tough. I agree with you about the newest chick, though. She’s so whiny and loud! Who goes onto Road Rules with huge fake nails and then complains about dirt?

I can’t choose just one. Honestly, every reality show has at least 1 unstable horrible person in it. I think that’s what makes them work. Remember Heidi from Joe Millionaire?


nuff’ said

Cry-baby Josh

Well said! Add Josh from BB3 and Alison from BB4 and I can go with that.

Flip the coin over and the only ones I have rooted for from the start are Ethan from Survivor Africa and Jack from BB4. (I was for Will almost from the start but it was only after a few weeks that I caught on to his style.)


George W. Bush

I gotta agree, I don’t know that Real Worlders are “contestants” so to speak, but they are the premier reality kiddies and no one has ever approached Puck. (Real World San Francisco) Of course, much of that assessment had to be made by watching realizing that if he was that bad in what we were seeing, he had to be much, much worse in the footage that was never seen. And the stories of the housemates in the years since certainly bear that out. Blech.

I’d say Ghandia from Survivor 5 and the black guy from the first Big Brother(the first voted out).

Hell, I say stop the debate right here. Richard Hatch’s victory in the first Survivor is what woke me up to what a phony dog-and-pony show all the “reality shows” are. In a true “survival” situation or a primitive society his divisive manipulation would have threatened the very lives of the people in the group by destroying any semblance of cohesion or teamwork. Somebody probably would’ve murdered him, or he’d have been banished and died alone. But in our modern society he wins $1 million. Jeezus.
The one thing he had going for him, in retrospect, is that he was a real individual with no ulterior motive for being on the show. Every contestant on these so-called “reality” shows now is just some phoney wannabe-actor looking for free publicity to jump-start their career. Even the dating shows, for the most part, only pick people who are about as good-looking as anyone else you’ll see on television. I guess an overweight, untanned office manager from Gary, Indiana, would be so much less interesting to watch than some airhead from southern Cali or West Palm Beach. :rolleyes:

I feel like there’s so many dumb reality shows I could just make up names and nobody would know the difference.

I hated Lucy from the second season the The Bachelor, David from the second Amazing Race, Juan from the Real World, Paul from Mr. Personality, and Cynthia from Survivor: The Congo.

Since I run the Reality TV Hall of Shame, I think I should chime in here. :slight_smile: (All links below are to Hall of Shame articles, for the record.)

Puck is definitely up there. I just got an e-mail from him a couple days ago because he recently found out he was inducted into the Reality TV Hall of Shame (though it was quite some time ago). He’s still a massive @$$hole.

Besides him, I would suggest Krista from Big Brother 2.

And then there’s Vecepia from Survivor: Marquesas – probably the worst winner of any show EVER.

Out of everybody, though, if you’re going to include shows that are not competitions, you’ve got to go with Anna Nicole Smith.

Joanna, the hallelujia-hurlin’ twit from Survivor: Amazon. Absolutely dreadful person.