Who is the most annoying reality show contestant ever?

I had a lot of fun bashing Jamie Kern, aka “The Chin,” on the BigBrotherBlows boards, back in 2000.

minty, you’re right about JoAnna, of course – but maybe one reason I think Vecepia is worse is that she was around longer. On the other hand, at least Vecepia knew what the game was about and didn’t do things like whine that the immunity idol was anti-Christian and caused the rain to come in the rainforest! Plus, JoAnna provided me with one of most bizarre interviews I’ve ever seen.

I have to say, it’s tough to pick just one “most annoying” person!



  • The eternally braying donkeys. The prototype for this is Jerri Manthey. If you’re going to be a useless, pathetic lump, at least do it quietly, dammit.
  • The clueless twits who never realize that there’s a competition going on and you have to be ruthless to win, whining about honor and borken promises and other crap when they get voted out.
  • The incompetent dolts who try to follow in Richard Hatch’s footsteps. Guys, his “pure evil” strategy was used against a bunch of naive rookies, and even then it barely succeeded (three votes, including the one which won him the million, came down to the final card). Anyone who tries to do the same is in for a clobbering.

The Amazing Race

  • Anyone and everyone who capitalizes on the myriad UNFAIR rules in the show, including being the first to a ham-handed bunchup point and not being able to make any progress, or completely failing to finish one of the tasks and getting a wrist-slap 30-minute penalty for it. (Don’t even get me started on those moronic nonelimination points.)

The undisputed champ in this field, of course, is Flo. Who, BTW, turned me off to this once-riveting program for good.

Steph from BB4 (the english one). I bet hardly any of you know who I’m talking about but she had the most annoying voice and hair I’ve ever seen/heard.