Nude scenes by actresses you don't expect to go nude

Just rented a nasty Grade-Z thriller called PERFECT VICTIMS.

I didn’t even know she was in it, but Jackie Swanson, who was Kelly, Woody’s girlfriend in “Cheers” was naked and very, very pert.

I just always pictured her as Kelly and never as anything more. Not that I’m bummed.

Any other examples you care to share?

Kathy Bates in ‘About Schmidt’.

Dear God, are you serious?

I shudder to think what 11 more years did to that naked bod.

Laura Linney - Love, actually
shouldnt have, glad it didnt last long

Slightly off topic I know, but I recently saw the first ever episode of Stargate SG1 shown at a late hour.

Halfway through there is a scene where Daniel’s wife is implanted with a Go’a’uld, and she is totally naked. Its full frontal as well. My jaw hit the floor, not because of her body (although it was very nice), but simple because it was on a mainstream tv show.

I thought it was handled very well. It did make sense for the plot and wasn’t done gratuitously.

In the very beginning of Lethal Weapon she is also nude. She played the girl who got drugged and jumped off the balcony of the building, which kind of set the whole movie in motion. Looked pretty good then too - some of us thought she looked familiar when she started CHEERS.

I was surprised that Sigorny Weaver showed her breasts in “Death and the Maiden”. That’s the only movie that I know of where she did any nudity. Caught me totally by surprise.

Wow, she was major hot - now I’ll have to rent it…

Teri Garr in “One From the Heart,” doubly suprising since Nastassia Kinski, also in the film, did not.

memo to self- rent “One From the Heart”…
the HBO Marilyn Monroe film with both Ashley Judd & Mira Sorvino is various nakidity (Ashley full frontal, Mira just topless)

That was the first that came to mind. :eek:

Thanks for ruinung my day. :frowning:

Julie Andrews in S.O.B.

It shocked the world when she doffed her top.

Teri Hatcher in ‘Heaven’s Prisoners’. What a gawd awful mistake that was…if there ever was a time when I wished a actress used a body double. :eek:

After Angie Dickenson’s career as a superwoman-cop on TV, she did a movie where she picks up a guy in a museum and sleeps with him. Later she gets murdered in an elevator. (What the hell’s the name of this movie?) There are a couple of nude shots of her, one of which at least, was a body double.
You can clearly tell which shots were her, and which ones were the double. She was well past her prime when she did the movie, and AFAIK she had never done a nude scene before, not even when she was at her hottest. Strange that she would do it so late in her career.

Molly Ringwald in Malicious.

Body Double, NugMagnet.

My dad said he saw Angie doin’ it doggy style in some other movie, a long time ago. Gutsy broad, that Ange.


Angie Dickinson with William Shatner in “Big Bad Mama” (1974) - Talk about a Star Trek! :smiley:

Angie Dickensen was NOT in Body Double, Kalhoun - you’re thinking of another DePalma movie, Dressed to Kill

I’m surprised, nay, shocked at the cinematic innocence of some of you folks.

Angie doin’ it doggy-style would be in Big Bad Mama. Bad news: the guy in bed with her was Bill Shatner, trying to hold his stomach in. That movie also has a nice well-lit full frontal from Angie, who at 43 was lookin’ might fine.

(Note: in the crappy sequel, Big Bad Mama II, Angie and Robert Culp had a love scene in which both 50-something actors were doubled by 20-something body doubles. Possibly intended to cause laughter. The same movie had toplessness by Danielle Brisebois, whom you may remember as the little girl on “Archie Bunker’s Place”, the later version of “All in the Family”. She was 18 by then, and had sprouted impressive breasts.)

(The other Angie Dickinson movie mentioned was Dressed to Kill.)

Sigourney Weaver has done nudity in several movies, notably Half Moon Street (which I don’t recommend otherwise) and the recent Map of the World.

Here’s one that surprised me: in the recent Swimming Pool, 58-year-old Charlotte Rampling was seen in a lingering full-frontal shot, rather close-up. Of course, she’s always been an actress to take risks.