Terri Carlin of Knoxville, TN--you may not speak on my behalf.

Yet another frivolous lawsuit to tie up the court system…

Personally, I was not offended by any of the one second of blurry boob, yet Ms. Carlin feels the need to include me as a plaintiff:

Yes that is what most pissed me off about that, too.

I’m putting in my two cents to say I also was not offended and Miss Prissy is not speaking for me.

I saw another such JJackson suit, but it was a joke (literally). Since TSG has court papers for this one, I’m guessing this isn’t. In which case, Carlin is a dipshit.

Pg 4 Sec 15

“Moreover, because defendants knew that the Super Bowl and the Super Bowl half-time show would have a worldwide audience and knew that for much of the world, these events reflect the standards and the reputation of Americans abroad, plaintiff and the members of the plantiff class have been defamed by the defendants and have suffered injuries and damages to their reputations as Americans.Defendants knew or should have known that the standing and credibility of Americans in the world would be harmed as a result of the defendants’ self-indulgent and self-serving acts.”
I’m guessing this lawsuit and the foregoing furor has hurt our reputation more than the little stunt.

Or maybe she’s right and that’s why the terrorists are attacking. :rolleyes:

Oh my God. This thing is getting really out of control. What a stupid fucking bitch. It may have been tasteless, but it’s not a goddamn crime, for fuck’s sake!

If you want, I can go around to all the banks in town and see if I can find her to tell her what an idiot she is. Of course, that could take a while…who wants to do my schoolwork while I take on the task?

OK so let’s say that Ms. Jackson decides to settle out of court for a large quantity of $$. If Ms. Carlin is filing on behalf of all Americans then I get a share of the settlement or the damages if it goes to trial.

I sincerely hope this ridiculous thing gets thrown out. I can’t see where it has any merit whatsoever. Of course IANAL so who knows.

I am outraged. Ms. Carlin, please email me after you win so that I may collect my monies and be compensated for my pain. Thank you.

Bruce, I’m with ya, I’d even settle for Timberlakes’ salary for 1 year… :rolleyes:

This dingbat ought to be jailed for taking up the courts’ time with this frivolous drivel.

She would have to be from Tennessee, wouldn’t she?


(my emphasis.)

SERIOUS INJURY? Millions of people were SERIOUSLY INJURED by the sight of Janet Jackson’s breast? My goodness, what a cover up this must be; hospitals all over the country with bed shortages because of all the horrible boob-induced trauma, small children who now will carry lifelong boob-shaped scars burned into their retinas, exhausted doctors trying and failing to treat all the boob casualties…you’d think FOX News would be all over this story!

I suspect there might have been a couple guys who choked on their beer and pretzels. Other than that… :rolleyes:

Wait…I can sue someone if they cause me to “suffer outrage, anger, embarrassment…” and/or if I’ve suffered “injuries or damages to (my) reputation as (an) American”?

That pretty much includes everybody! I’m gonna need a whole MESS o’ lawyers!

“Moreover, because defendants knew that the Iraqi war and the subsequent rebuilding would have a worldwide audience and knew that for much of the world, these events reflect the standards and the reputation of Americans abroad, plaintiff and the members of the plantiff class have been defamed by the defendants and have suffered injuries and damages to their reputations as Americans.Defendants knew or should have known that the standing and credibility of Americans in the world would be harmed as a result of the defendants’ self-indulgent and self-serving acts.”

Cool, can I sue the Bush admin?

No, I want to sue the Bush Administration! Race ya!

(why didn’t i go to law school? WHY??? I’d have so much fun suing idiots who sue for frivelous reasons i’d never need sex again…)

Flashing boobs doesn’t make americans look bad, but suing because you think seeing a boob harmed you sure as hell does!

Just speaking for myself here, but I could have been subjected to both tits and a hairless beaver and sailed through with flying colors.

Can we sue her for false representation?

OTOH, it wasn’t a particularly attractive boob, so maybe she’s got a point…

And I can say, from personal experience, that seeing ONE boob definitely triggered a life-long obsession. All the productive time I’ve lost…I demand to be compensated!!! Anyone with chesticular appendages, natural, augmented, or otherwise, owes me money!!!

Fixated on hooters, I remain…


My lawyers will be contacting you on an individual basis. One for each boob.

I dunno. I bet a lot of people suffered eyestrain, and possible carpal tunnel syndrome from the repeated button clicks on their Tivo.

And then there’s the sympathetic pain felt by people who think having a pierced nip is painful.

On the whole, probably as many as 12 serious injuries.

Take me out of the “class” please.

IANAL, but I think she’s going to be reeaaalllly hard-pressed to demonstrate standing. And certifying the class sound like a total impossibility.

I wonder about the attorneys who are bringing this. It’s obviously on a contingent-fee basis, which means that the attorney is bearing all the costs of the filing and whatnot. Theyaren’t going to see a dime, so why are the lawyers wasting the time and $?