Are there any gay muppets?

Has there ever been a gay muppet character introduced?

Muppets don’t seem to be attracted to members of their own species, let alone their own sex. :smiley:

There are many muppets of ambiguous sexuality.

Elton John was on the Muppet Show once … does that count?

(I’ll never forget that rendition of Crocodile Rock …)

We’re excluding Bert and Ernie?

Damn, twickster beat me to it.

I remember hearing a nasty rumor a few years ago that they were going to kill off Bert because the Religious Right were making a big stink about how Sesame Street was teaching kids that it was okay to be gay by having two guys living together like B&E were. Supposedly they were going to turn it into one of those “dealing with death” things they do every once and a while, like when Mr. Hooper died in the early 80’s.

I’m surprised it took three replies before that joke popped up.

Avenue Q is currently Broadway’s hottest ticket. It’s one of those little shows that opened Off-Broadway with no publicity except musical theatre people running up and down the Internet screaming “YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS SHOW.”

The show features Muppet-like creatures who are very rauchy.

Check out for more information.

Muppets don’t have sex. Why would they have one be gay?

If Muppets don’t have sex then where do Muppet Babies come from, smart guy?

I always read Janice as bi, Rolf could be read as gay and Rizzo the rat is a closet case.

The official line is that Muppets don’t exist below the waist, so no sex at all.

Well, since you don’t have to have sex to determine your sexuality…
( :wink: )

Janice is a pretty good possibility for bi what with the quote from the Muppet Movie “Look, Mother, if I wanna walk around the beach naked that’s my own business”.

I’ll give it up to Twixster for the B&E…they seem the obvious choice…

As for more alternative sexualities…
I’d have to say that Animal was probably into leather
and Gonzo, unfortunately with his chicken fetish, was into beastiality. (This is singled out because the chickens never really talked on the same level as the other animals, they just clucked and cooed.)

I can’t believe I’m the first one to mention Roger the gay muppet. Have we already forgotten the controversy?

Damn…I was moments behind you on posting that one, Smeghead. I was shocked to find this topic went on as long as it did with no one posting about Roger.

I always thought that Sam the Eagle was a clost (repressed) homosexual.

Sam the Eagle Muppet

ya beat me to it!! :mad: :mad: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Andy & Randy Pig. One need only to read their profile

(The Muppets | Disney) to be convinced. :wink:

Then whose legs was Kermit using to ride the bike in the first Muppet movie?

Cookie tickle Elmo! Hee! shake shake shake

They aren’t gay, but they are all heavily into fisting…

I’ll just go back over here now…

Does anyone else see that picture? :eek: Woah… just woah…