Most annoying commercial spokesperson.

  1. That stupid little rat for Taco Bell.
  2. The cloying cute girl who sells cola (with the stupid voices).
  3. The Toyota TV guy.

(Locally): Ernie Tetrault – once a respected news anchor, now shilling for Ford.

What other candidates?

Rosie O’Donnel and John Madden.

though the last commercial he did was halfway amusing.

I don’t dislike Shatner at all–I’m a big classic Star Trek fan. (Though I do hold Star Trek V against him, and will until I find religion and achieve a state of permanent forgiveness towards any and everyone—or until I’m dead.)

I think it’s because I still remember the horrible Commodore commercials he did (“Plays great games, too”–did it do ANYTHING ELSE??), as well as the Priceline commercials now.

Nationally, the c-a-l-l-a-t-t dweebs and anybody else hawking long distance.
Locally, 'Its Cal Worthington and his dog ‘Spot’.

Jamie Lee Curtis and that phone service she touts. Everytime I see her stranded by the side of the road, I keep hoping a serial killer will appear.

Does the “Welch’s Grape Juice Girl” really have any competition here?

Dr. J

Bob Dole and the commercials for Viagra
Welch’s girl
The girl who does the Pepsi commercials

I don’t think I can find words to express how very much I hate the Toyota TV Guy. If I were in the market for a car, those ads alone would make me avoid Toyota dealerships like the plague.

the freakin’ taco bell monster!


  1. Taco Bell monster/rat/pit demon from hell/dog.
  2. Pepsi Girl. I have to take valium after those commercials.
  3. Bob, from the old “Head into Krystal’s” commercials. Glad to see he got the boot.
  4. The narrator of those car commercials that are recorded at 110% volume so as to be loud as hell despite the TV being muted.
  5. I hate to hold it against him, but I don’t like the Will Shatner priceline commercials. (And ST:V isn’t exactly his fault, if Nimoy’s observation in Salon last year is correct).
  6. That guy in the Ford commercials. I don’t WANT a Ford.
  7. Any lawyer advertising.

Michael Jordan–who told him he could act? He looks so uncomfortable when he does commercials that he makes ME uncomfortable. They’re hard to watch.

The Pepsi girl–IS NOT CUTE. And I lost what little respect I had for Kiss when I saw that monstrosity they were involved with. [BTW, how many “Farewell” tours are they going to have anyway?]

The Welch’s girl is going to be one of those snotty little bitches that everyone hates when she grows up. Oh, wait, she already IS a snotty little bitch. My mistake.

Kathy Lee Gifford–should take a Carnival cruise, fall overboard and drown, dragging her brats with her. Gif would have a party, I’m sure. [And she can’t sing, either.]

Wow, can you tell I’m having a bad day?

That fucking old lady in the Old Navy commercials. Is she trying to look like Joan Rivers or what?

David Arquette in the CALL-ATT commercials. Someone please tell me why this guy has a job.

And yes, any lawyer advertising their services. Especially the ones who have their clients come on as spokesmen as boast how much money they received.

Did you see him when he was on Saturday Night Live a few years ago? They had a skit about rejected MJ commercials. One of them showed him walking next to a lake with a woman. She turns to him and says something about getting that “not so fresh feeling.” He then tells her about some feminine hygeine product or as my husband would say, FHP. It’s absolutely hilarious.

I hate anything with Kathie Lee. I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty spoon than have to watch that woman on anything.

that darn deep voiced guy who does movie trailers!

bj0rn - 0=ö

I find David Arquette and Bill Shatner mildly amusing in their commercials. Pepsi Girl, however, makes me feel like a well-armed, over-the-edge postal worker.

Re: David Arquette: Does he have some career-ruining secret on Courtney Cox that he threatens to reveal? I can’t think of any other reason she’d be with him.

I can’t believe no one has mentioned the lifetime acheivement award winner in this catagory – Sally Struthers. So I will.

David Arquette really has to die soon. To make things worse, a few weeks back he “won” the WCW championship belt in some weird wrestling plot twist… which, incidentally, would have been the perfect time for Andy Kaufman to come out of hiding and kick his ass…

Right behind Davy has to be Arsenio Hall’s new “phone persona.” Blech.

After that, just go right down the line, everybody who’s done a phone company, long-distance or collect call commercial in the last six years.

I agree with most of you but…

Sorry, I can’t help but like Sela Ward…

Ditto on the Pepsi kid. Is she supposed to be cute or endearing? Yuck.

Also, I don’t know how regional these commercials are, but the ads for the 1/2 Price stores are the WORST. They all feature this dorky guy with glasses and a big grin, comparing whatever namebrand product bought at full price to the half price offered at this store. “It’s the SAME THING!” I can’t get to the remote control fast enough.

“These eyes could never endure sweet beauty’s wreck;
You should not blemish it, if I stood by”

–Richard III, Act 1, scene ii

Ahem. To get back on topic:

I’ll second Sally Struthers. I’ve never seen the Welch’s commercials, believe it or not. And I’m right with Grace on
Kathie Lee.

Care to elaborate? I’m not sure what you are talking about.

Oh, and finally, I’ll second the postive review re Sela Ward. MMM…Sela… :slight_smile: