How can I make myself sterile without getting a vasectomy?

SmithWife is expecting our second child, and we’ve decided that two offspring is enough for us (ToddlerSmith f.k.a. BabySmith will be 2 in a few weeks). We’ve got what we think are a few sound reasons for the closing of Smith Family Procreation…

  1. We just think two is enough for us (not to disparage those with larger families)
  2. We’re both 34, and our age certainly is a factor (again, just our opinion)
  3. Due to my recent Emergency Appendectomy, I’m in no hurry to go “under the knife” again. Any knife.
  4. Frozen Peas :eek:
  5. The Pill makes SmithWife sick in all it’s many incarnations

By the way, the Stars (and SmithWife’s Doctors) indicate FetusSmith shall be a Man Child. Huzzah!

So how 'bout it, fellow Dopers? Suggestions?


I don’t know of other ways for men, but there is a non-surgical but permanent method for women:

Well as far as making yourself infertile, there’s three options: vasectomy, castration, and some rather hard to get, very expensive hormone injections they use for guys with prostate cancer.

As far as birth control, there’s a whole world of other options besides the pill. There’s the patch, the ring, the various shots, and IUD’s, all of which are similar to or better than the pill for reliability. There’s also tubal ligation, which I believe is often done laparascopically and can be done while she’s still in the hospital post-delivery. Many women who can’t take the pill tolerate Nuvaring very well, and others do wonderfully on the minipill or other progestin-only methods. I can’t take the pill, either, so I wound up with a Mirena, and it’s the greatest thing ever. I haven’t had a menstrual cramp since July, and I haven’t had a period since August. The insertion was no picnic, but I love me some progestin. Love, love, love.

You can handle it. Bite the bullet and get the vasectomy. :smiley:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

::runs screaming from thread::

*pun intended

Testicular Cancer?

Makes those frozen peas look pretty damn good, doesn’t it?

Would it be okay if, going forward, we refrain from using the words “bite” and “castration” in the same thread?

Constant masturbation lowers your sperm count, I believe. It also makes you blind and makes your palms hairy, so you’ll have to take that into consideration.

You could wrap a rubber band really tight around your balls. Once they turn black, you won’t have to worry about unplanned pregnancy anymore!

I started wearing tighty whiteys aain. Does that count?


That depends – what size are you wearing? For best results, figure out what size you are and divide that by two.

It is my understanding that a SEVERE case of Strep Throat will cause sterility in males.


Stick a big hunk of plutonium down your pants. After a few weeks of that, you’ll be totally sterile. That, or your penis will go on to terrorize some small island nation in the Pacific. These things are never certain.

Around here, we call that Spring Break.

soaking the ballsack in hot water can cause sterility

I remember seeing this on TV, when some guys did it their sperm were all mutated and retarded. so they were essentially sterile.

Here is a list of other methods including the hot water method.

Seen this?

[li]Blunt trauma. Maybe a war wound a la Jake Barnes. You know, visit Bosnia or something. If you can’t afford the airfare, you could always get a hammer. [/li][li]Disease. You could try getting a disease that results in inflammation of the testes and scrotum, thereby causing sterility. You had the mumps? If that’s out, my pen pal Camilla cites Merck’s Medical Manual: “Epididymo-orchitis (inflammation of the epididymis and testis) may be a complication of urinary infection with prostatitis or urethritis, a sequela to gonorrhea, a complication of prostatic surgery or as a result of infection secondary to an indwelling catheter.” Enough to get you started.[/ul][/li][/quote]

How about getting mumps? Doesn’t that usually work for adults?

  1. Disable the safety latch that prevents you from turning on the microwave while it’s turned on.

  2. Drop trou.

  3. Open door, stand in front of said microwave, and fire that puppy up!

If nothing else, it’ll probably make for a good “Ask the guy with nuked nads” thread.

and you might as well make some popcorn while you’re at it.