Friends don't let friends wear ponchos (very short and petty)

I cannot wait until this resurgence of ponchos ends. I have seen too many women wear a poncho that were either too old, too frumpy or just not exactly teenagerish in shape and age to pull off this supposed fashion.
Ponchos look cute on elementary and high school girls. Not chubby to semi-truck assed sized housewives. In fact, it accentuates your big butt by drawing attention to the flabbius maximus with the dangling tassles and makes one look like a walking shapeless jabba the hut afghan.
When will this insanity end?

I’ve not seen the first woman wearing a poncho in normal every day life.

One advantage of being an anti-social recluse is that the only fashion faux pas you have to bear witness to are your own.

Is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho?

But what if it’s raining?

I wore a Pancho for years before he finally asked me to put him down.

How tall was he?

{I wear a rain slicker pancho when installing windows during slightly inclement weather. I pay him in pesos.}

Huh, the joke may be on me. I thought the OP pancho was short, but maybe Shirl was referring to the rant?

Sears poncho or a granny afghan with a hole in the middle of it poncho.

Wearing Pancho, on the other hand, if he is a handsome one, might not be a bad thing. :slight_smile:

Did you start the dog show thread, too? If so, Shirley, you’re like my new bestest friend and all.

I’ll never understand why some people just won’t accept they do not have the figure for some things. Less than 1.0912345 percent of the population can wear a poncho and look good.

My husband and I have a theory. We believe these women have friends who tell them they look good so that when they go out together the friend who’s usually dressed appropriately looks better in comparison.

Chunky girl: Cindra, what do you think about this outfit? (spins, revealing a tight, midriff-baring top and low-cut jeans so tight her middle looks like she swallowed a tire)
Evil friend: Girl, you look good.
Chunk girl: Are you sure because I think these jeans may be a little, you know, tight. Are you sure they don’t make my ass look too fat?
Evil friend: Oh my god, no! When we go to the party, the guys are going to be all over you, girl.
Chunky girl squeals with delight, thanks her friend, dons a poncho and the duo heads out into the night.

Our other theory, if the inappropriately dressed person is alone, is they must not have any full or half length mirrors at home.

Now really, you’re going to compare a relatively inoffensive poncho to hiphuggers and midriff tees? Puhleeze. Ponchos don’t show off GLH. That makes them a venal sin at absolute worst.

Yes, I did start the Dog Show Thread which sunk rapidly to the bottom of the pit for being weighted down with lameness, lack of profane verbage and lack of pure malice and spite.

Anywhoo, I think I agree with you, UrbanChic my new bestest friend and will take it One Step Farther.

I think Appropriate Dress Chick will always tell a Fat Chick In a Poncho/Lyrca/Hip Huggers that she is dressed nicely in order to make her ownself look good. This is referred to as Fat Bridesmaid Syndrome.

Hip huggers and tummy baring shirts are also evil.


Could someone provide a photo or something to the fashion-illiterate?

Here’s one, threemae. Here’s another. I hate to admit it but I kind of like the latter of the two…

Ponchos are #9 on my list of trivial things I hate for inexplicable reasons. I think ponchos serve as a lame pretense for wearing a blanket out in public. One of my favorite activities this summer was going to Navy Pier and secretly laughing at all the chicks in ponchos (and other misguided fashion attempts). Sorry, I just don’t see the appeal. I don’t think ponchos look good on anyone.

Apologies to the poncho-wearers and friends of poncho-wearers of America. But I just don’t like ponchos.

And here I thought this thread was going to be friends who are sloppy eaters going to a Mexican Buffet.

… just imagine the word “about” is in the above sentence at the correct location. Thank you …

“But I have ze crystal ball…”

or later

“But I have ze Ring of Fire…”

You wimins will get my Teenflo poncho from me when you pry it from my cold, dead hands!

(Or at the end of this season, when they will die like a fashion dog.:D)

Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha.

Those things are rediculous. Even the second one.

Nah, the first one’s beigeiculous, the second looks charcoaliculous.