Friends don't let friends wear ponchos (very short and petty)


I’d gladly put up with ponchos for a few months as long as Lycra tights/pedal pushers never make a comeback. Name two average women who ever looked good in those.

I made enough money selling my handmade ponchos on ebay last winter, that my husband didn’t have to get a second job. Plus we had groceries! Unlike the year before. So I think they’re beautiful, and everyone should have atleast a dozen of them. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, I think the skinny chicks look worse than anyone, while wearing a poncho. It gives them a PEZ dispenser look. You can’t wear something shapeless, unless you have a shape to begin with. Even if the shape is round. The type with the point in the front has a slimming effect if you’re chubby.

I dunno, I kind of like the first one - it has a kind of Rick Owens look to it. Although I would only wear one in lieu of a blanket (like at the Moonlight Cinema or out on the beach) but ponchos aren’t as ugly as I remember them being.

Aaaaagh! I spoke too soon. I just found this monstrosity on eBay. Ugg ponchos. For fuck’s sake.

That’s it, whoever’s designing all those Ugg “fashions” needs to find a new line of work but quick.

You’re kidding right? If not, let me damage your soul by breaking the news – pedal pushers/capris are all the rage and have been for a couple of years now.

A snarky ass co-worker of mine once commented that she didn’t think my band t-shirts and track pants were very “grown-up”, and it took all the strength I had not to scream “You’re wearing fucking pink plaid capris with bows on them! What in the fuck are you talking about?”

I hate capris so. goddamn. much.

And ponchos suck, too. I haven’t seen many people sporting those, although I do see them in the stores by the boatload.

Ahh, pedal pushers have been around for a few years, you’re right about that chatelaine, but may God have mercy on us if Lycra pedal pushers ever become popular, which is what I think Tikki was referring to.

…I have no words for that abomination.

Ponchos are evil. The first one in the link looks like a cardigan without sleeves worn sideways. The second would be quite respectable if it was in sweater form, with sleeves, as is right and proper. I have seen all sorts of ponchos worn lately and they were all hideous. You could save your money and just drape a blanket that you already own over yourself. I dress badly, but at least I know it.

Another vote for the No Ponchos contingent. My theory is that the only women who wear them are ones too young to have been forced into an orange and avocado green one their mom knitted for them in the 6th grade and then forced to look at unfortunate Polaroids of themselves in the getup for all perpetuity.
Yes, I’m scarred.
Even after years of therapy. :smiley:

One advantage: it’s easy to have an impromptu picnic in the park if you’re wearing one. Especially if you buy one equipped with the special cutlery holsters.

Except, of course, for the ones made by Hillbilly Queen. I’m sure they are indescribably beautiful :slight_smile: .

Pink plaid, with bows? That’s just way too much.

Since I’ve resumed sewing (I’m an off-and-on seamstress) my dear grey-haired, grandmotherly mom has been at me to sew her some capris. That’s her #1 request. Capris. She wants to wear them to church. Now, our church is kind of relaxed with its dress code–I have gone there wearing clean, well-cared-for jeans and a top, but I’ve never seen anyone wear capris and I don’t want my mom to be the first.

I’ve told her that I will sew her the capris, with the understanding that they never be worn to church. She protested at first but relented when she saw the steely determination in my eyes. No Capris At Church.

As far as ponchos go, I’ve seen a McCall’s pattern (too lazy to look it up now) that really doesn’t look to bad, especially if it is honestly used as outerwear to keep you warm (instead of just an ineffectual fashion accessory). I might make myself that kind of poncho, just because it would be easy to make, and with the right fabric, it would be very warm. However, I already have an old pattern that includes some sort of poncho-esque design, but it looks like a tiny square of hankerchief fabric slung over the model’s shoulders. Very stupid. Nope–won’t be sewing anything from that pattern.

I’m sure that hillbilly queen’s homemade ponchos were fabulous–it seems to me that often we seamstresses have far more sense than the big fashion retailers. Or perhaps that’s just my vanity talking. :wink: (I’m certainly not perfect–being an “off and on again” type seamstress–but I have great faith in hillbilly queen’s taste!)

Mhm, pink plaid with bows at the bottom of the legs on the back. Just fucking hideous.

As for the tiny-scrap-of-fabric ponchos, that’s another idea that never should have left the runway.

Ponchos are OK as long as you have a sneer, a week’s stubble, a cigarillo clenched in your jaw, a cowboy hat and a six-shooter to back it up. Cue Ennio Morricone: “Oo-ee-ooh! Wah-wah-wah!”

Yeah, the only kind of poncho that looks good is with Josey Wales wearing it.

thanks middlecase

This is actually exactly what I look like in my dove grey Teenflo one I referenced earlier…

Not talking about leg stubble, Alice.

I always thought that about Stevie Wonder. That he had these friends with a really bad sense of humour who used to dress him each day and say, “No, you don’t look like an idiot Stevie, you look really good.”

Glad to see there are other sick puppies around.

My Spanish professor looks good in a poncho, but she’s from Uruguay where ponchos are acceptable attire. Of course, they’re not “fashion” ponchos, but honest-to-goodness South American ponchos. South Americans are serious about ponchos.

Robin, whose mom has one of her old ones, a pink-and-white crocheted number that would’ve looked good under a floral centerpiece.
