What else is gonna happen?

Sorry this is long, but I thought this would be good MPSIMS material.

Earlier today, while sitting at my computer merrily playing a computer game and doing quite well, my neck muscles suddenly froze and got all cramped. A horrible pain shot up and down my neck and side. After several agonizing seconds of wretching muscle spasms, I finally managed to ease the pain by turning and tilting my head slightly to the right.

I get up from the computer desk in my room, which is cluttered with my computer, moniter, scanner, my collection of gifts and pictures from friends on top of my monitor, and all sorts of other trash. As I’m getting up, I bump my right knee on the bottom of my desk, which causes my computer to freeze, losing all progress I made in my game, and knocking my collection off the monitor. I also have a lot of problems with my knee after having dislocating it a couple times, and this caused my whole leg to go numb.

I managed my way out of my room, which is a considerable feat in normal condition, let alone my condition. On the way out I bumped into a bookshelf, knocking several items onto the top of my head, sending fresh jolts of muscles spasms through my neck and giving me quite a bump.

I start heading downstairs in my trek to get some tylenol, but failed to notice the papers lying on the third to last step (After all, my head is pretty much locked in place and can’t look down). I stepped onto these papers, lost my balance, and fell the remaining three steps to the landing at the bottom of the stairs. I banged up my shoulder in the fall, and hit my funny bone on the same arm.

After taking a minute to catch my breath, I struggled to my feet and carried on. I made it to the appropriate cabinet - but no tylenol! I hear my mom running around yelling “Dave?!? Are you ok??? I have some tylenol for you!”. Great, I’m thinking. I start hobbling towards where she was, a limp induced by my numb leg, my head cocked to the right, arm suspended next to my side from the fall down the stairs.

My mom took one look at me, dropped the bottle of tylenol, and laughed. She pointed and laughed and said “You look like a 6 foot Quasi Modo!”. I got my tylenol and retreated to my room.

All that, and I get called “Quasi Modo”. Thanks for the concern, mom.

Sounds to me like you have been possessed by the spirit of Wally. You lucky bastard.

That is one of the best compliments I’ve ever recieved in my life. Thank you dragonlady…and Wally, feel free to inspire me however you deem necessary.

Monster104, your adventure reminds me of that scene in that 1978 Neil Simon movie California Suite, where Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby have to share a room, and then their wives break that expensive perfume bottle, and then one of them steps on one of the pieces of glass that’s so big and sharp it cuts through the sole of her shoe and slashes her foot, and then they both trip over each other and fall down trying to get out of their room to the infirmary, and then more hilarity ensues until the 4 of them finally leave the hotel in traction in wheelchairs and the hotel manager says, “We hope you enjoyed your stay, come again!”


I have entire days like that though, so who am I to laugh? :slight_smile:
