Why does Santa say "Ho Ho Ho"?

No really. Why “Ho! Ho! Ho!” and not some other phrase? My daughter asked me this and I’m stymied. Why does Santa say ‘Ho! Ho! Ho!’?" Apparently no one else does.

I’m interested in both quick witty rejoinders and scholarly research.

I thought this might quickly move into opinion, so I picked this forum. I’m flexible if there’s a better locale.

Because he’s jolly?

It’s meant to be a laugh. You know, jolly old elf and all that. You run across ho as an exclamation or expression of amusement in 19th century books fairly regularly, as opposed to ha. It’s just an anachronism that has never changed because, well, Santa doesn’t keep pace with the modern world. Everything about him is an anachronism.

Hell, have you seen the way those female elves dress these days???

I think it’s because he’s jolly.

If he went around saying “ha ha ha,” people would think he was laughing at them.

If he said “har har har,” people would think he was a pirate.

If he said “hoo hoo hoo,” people would think he was an owl.

If he said “ni, ni, ni” then he would definitely be in the wrong movie.

What’s red & white, stands on a corner, and says, “Ho, ho, ho!”?Santa pimp.

I’m not sure which is worse (better?). Santa as a pirate, Santa torturing old women by saying “Ni,” or Santa as pimp. Please, sir (ma’am), may I have some more?

What if he said “Haw Haw Haw”?

He might be mistaken for a large, unruly Hell’s Angel in a Santa suit.

C’mon–haven’t any of you watched Santa Claus is Coming to Town? The seals taught him to laugh a robust, hearty, “ho ho ho!”

The Green Giant says “Ho ho ho” as well.
His reasons are probably to do with excessive sweetcorn consumption.

Because we just wouldn’t respect him if he said “Tee Hee.”

What Goes “Ho Ho Ho” Plop! ?

Santa Claus laughing his head off!

Or an escapee from a Chick tract.

Because if you stood on a street corner ringing a bell all day all you’d see would be Ho! Ho! Ho!

Lute Skywatcher snort That’s gonna get told a lot this year.

People often say “Ho. Ho. Ho.” as though it’s three individual words that should be pronounced as they are spelled. But they really just represent a jolly robust laugh, and should be uttered as such.

Ever notice how you never see The Green Giant and Santa Claus together at the same time?
::::::shifty eyes:::::::::::::
I’m just saying…its all suspicious.

Because he drives along Sunset Blvd.

Yeah, and you never see him with the Devil. Hmm… Anagram of ‘Satan’, dresses in red like Satan…

And green is the opposite of red…

:: glances around ::

Who would work to take the focus away from the baby Jesus on his birthday? Hmmm, I don’t know… could it be… maybe… SATAN??

[/Church Lady]