What is the funniest video game enemy you have encountered?

Toejam and Earl 2- One of the enemies was a naked man in a box. Basically some naked dude scurrying about with only a cardboard box protecting his dignity. If you left him alone, he would periodically pop out of his box and start singing :stuck_out_tongue:

Earthworm Jim- The funniest enemy in this rather funny game were none other than Lawyers. They would assault you with swarms of legal papers they would fire out of their briefcases. If you shoot at them, they block your shots with the briefcase :stuck_out_tongue: You had to whip them to knock the briefcase out of their hands, then plug em. Very funny.

A close second would be the little starfish. Only because if you ran into them, they would slam you around repeatedly, like something out of a cartoon :slight_smile:

The Great Might Poo from Conker’s Bad Fur Day (and soon to be Live and Reloaded).

“I am the Great Mighty Poo and I’m going to throw my shit at you”

Chop Chop Master Onion, from PaRappa the Rapper. How many other martial-arts masters do you know who are (a) vegetables and (b) masters of rap-fu?

The swarm of bees that would come after you if you ran out of time in º720. If you evade them too long the swarm comes after you in the shape of a scissors (and maybe an arrow?)

The random pervert-looking guy in N.A.R.C. (?) His outfit was nearly the same color as his clothes so I couldn’t tell if he was naked, and he had a white-guy-fro that made the total effect look like a perverted exhibitionist clown.

Crazy Climber: As you climb there’s a big bird flying by; he just might poop on you.
Make Trax: Your marker is a paint brush. You’re followed by fish that eat paint brushes.
Berzerk: Evil Otto, who cannot be destroyed, says if you’re not playing: “Coin detected in pocket!”
I have to mention the devilish digging creature in Dig Dug. If you time release of a boulder just right it will fall down a shaft and land right on top of your pursuer! :smiley:

Purple Tentacle from Day of the Tentacle. One of the funniest villains from one of the funniest games ever. They don’t make 'em like that any more!


Sam & Max Hit the Road

I still just about die laughing when playing it.

Wanna play along and actually tell us what the funny enemy is?

Weird Ed in Maniac Mansion.

Munch: On a guess, I’d say he’s talking about Conroy Bumpus, the country & western star from Liverpool, England who’s on a quest to capture a live bigfoot.

Mad Clown from Super Punch-Out!! gets some credit. Like all clowns, he’s not all that funny until you start beating the crap out of him.

Ah, I see that the hubby and I are not the only people on Earth who played Toejam & Earl.

From the orginal Toejam & Earl: The Chicken Mortar. It was a bunch of chickens. With a mortar. A mortar that fired tomatoes.

Also, the Boogie Man. He was invisible, and would suddenly appear next to you, grabbin’ at ya and sucking down your life, and saying “Boogie boogie boogie.” It’s actually kind of freaky and scary when you’re playing the game, but I can still crack my husband up by tickling him and saying “Boogie boogie boogie.”

You kind of have to be there. It’s the way he says “Boogie boogie boobie.”

From Toejam & Earl II: Panic on Funkotron: The Ghost Cow. The Ghost Cow would possess your character and make him go, “Moo, moo, moo.” Exept it sounded more like “Meww, meww, meww,” in a monotone.

Okay. Fine. You had to be there for that one, too.

Flea, Slash and Ozzie from Chrono Trigger are all really funny, but Flea’s crossdressing bit really takes the cake.

I remember when Daikatana had first come out (may it rot in hell), myself and several friends downloaded the demo for it. The first level, there were all these tiny frogs that were quite difficult to kill (the level was very dark, and to make it worse we were looking at it on a faded 15-inch monitor) – and these frogs, these little harmless-looking green froggies, gibbed us! Somehow by biting our ankles they were able to make our guy explode in a shower of little gobbets of flesh! At this point there was much hilarity, cursing of John Romero, and ceasing to play the game.

The Cow Level in Diablo, where upright cows attack you, and their battle cry is “moo”. No, not a sound of a cow mooing, but the actual word “moo”. They even talk, like “Moo moo MOO moo moomoomoo moo moomoo”.

If anyone’s ever played Space Station: Silicon Valley for N64, you’ll know that you play as a microchip that can posess a variety of robotic animals. Any other animals you may encounter are your enemies. And they will CHASE you. The scariest/funniest is the bear on this one level, because it runs after you while growling and foaming at the mouth. I always have such a good time playing that game with my sister because we both freak out and scream “Oh my God! The bear!” every time it pops out at you from behind the corner. Hey, give me a break, it’s scary when your a poor defenseless sheep :smiley: .

In Final Fantasy VII, you have to fight this obnoxious fat guy named Palmer. For almost no reason. Intermittently throughout the battle he will A. Dance around drunkenly, or B. Turn around and slap his butt at you. Then when you finally beat him, he narrowly misses getting hit by a plane that’s about to take off, thinks he’s safe, and then a truck hits him. It’s surreal and a real WTF moment.

I haven’t played Breath of Fire 4 in a while, but I remember at one point in the game the main girl gets magically shrunk down to the size of a bug and you have to fight this mother bird. I always found this sort of amusing.

Okay, top this for obscurity. Lators, Avatar, CERL PLATO circa 1982.
Yes, I’m old. (and calling it a video game is, I admit, stratching a point.)

Just about all of the enemies in** Earthbound**.

I mean… you fight New Age Retro Hippies, Unassuming Local Guys, Strutting Evil Mushrooms, Mobile Sprouts, Psychic Psychos, High Class UFOs, Enraged Fire Plugs… the list goes on. These are actual enemy names. Fun :smiley:

I couldn’t wait to find out what the name of my next newest enemy would be!

Ah yes, the Boogie Man. The Boogie man hid in people’s shadows- you could see his eyes appear in your shadow and he would suddenly jump out! :eek:

Also freaky was the mailbox monster. Looked like the mailboxes you used to buy power-ups, but if you walked up it would sprout arms and legs and chase after you. Scared the crap out of me the first time I saw it. If you stand around long enough, the mail slot would open and the eyes would peek at you to see if you were looking at it :stuck_out_tongue:

Santa was a fun character. Scare him, and he’ll rocket away on his jetpack. You had to tiptoe towards him while he was rummaging in his bag, and if you touched him, you’d get a free present. And let me tell you, Santa was pretty darn paranoid :eek:

Snake, Rattle 'n Roll- The shark. If you stayed out on the water too long, you would hear the ‘jaws’ music playing, getting faster and faster, and if you didn’t get out of the water, this shark would come and gobble you up. What was hysterical was if you found the door to a bonus stage; a hole would open and everything on the screen would get sucked in. One time my friend was getting hit by a shark and I opened the bonus stage portal. In addition all the junk on the screen getting drawn in, the shark got sucked out of the water and thrown into the portal :eek:

Was Flea a crossdresser? Flea was pretty coy about his/her gender…the character reminded me of Gogo from Final Fantasy III (US version). It was more of an ‘it’…:stuck_out_tongue:

Flea is definitely a male.