"Snow fleas" -Where Do they come from?

On my walk in the woods yesterday, I saw a ton of black dots on the surface of the snow…so i bent down to take a look. The snow was alive with jumping sprintails (snao fleas)…the ambient temp. was jusy around freezing…so how do these little buggers survive the winter.
Are they a harbinger of spring?

      • You might consider listing your physical location–at least a country. I have no idea what “snow fleas” are, and have never seen them in the central US…

Snow Fleas, by Roy Lukes (in Wisconsin)

Springtails are plentiful year-round. They are just more noticeable on snow than they are on dark-colored earth.

Lots of info & photos here:


I remember these from when I was a kid in NH, it seemed that they were most prevalent when the temp was just above freezing, as I recall. We called them snow fleas as well.

This is new to me. However, I have often heard people say, “I’ll have to get the storm windows up before the snow flies.” :stuck_out_tongue: