Pegasus is finished. Wanna see?

As I said in an early thread, I’m working on mythical animals. Last year I did some fairies and fairie-like beings.
In this thread, I asked for input on the color of Pegasus. When all was said and done, I had to go with glass on hand. I had this “root beer” color that translated to sorrel.

May I present Pegasus 1 and Pegasus 2
I’m not as pleased as I could be about it. I’d like to hear any opinions. I won’t say what I don’t like, it may be in my eye, and I don’t want it to color anyone else’s view. I won’t take offense at honest criticism, be it positive or negative.

Please, no comments about my “studio.” Its just an unfinished room in the basement. Its heated and has light, and a potty(!), what more could I ask for?

There I sit, admiring picunurse’s wonderful stained glass Pegasus. Noting the slight breaking-the-border effect the hooves give, and marveling at the lines of the wings. “Truly beautiful”, I think to myself.

Then a cow-orker walks by and says “Woah! Someone give that horse burritos for lunch? He’s lookin’ all rocket-powered!” :smack:

Eff 'em…I still like it.

picunurse - I think it’s nicely done, especially the wings. The horse is a bit too wasp-waisted for my taste, but still well done. Congratulations - You must’ve put a done of work into it.


That is absolutely gorgeous. I’ve never seen a black pegasus before, but I like it :slight_smile:

picunurse, it’s great to see you’re still doing your stained glass work! I like your black Pegasus. Nice to see someone other than Disney tackle one. I envy you your studio set-up! Wish mine had all those amenities.

Do his wings attach at his neck, rather than back or shoulders? They appear to, and that seems like an unusual choice to make for a pegasus.

The other thing the “horse person” in me sees, even allowing for artistic license, is the direction of his topline. A horse that is rearing or leaping usually has the spine curved upward, rather than downward, especially if the neck is arched and nose tucked, as you have here. I think a softer and more realistic curve of the spine in the trunk region might result in you liking it better. The torso could stand to be a little longer, too.

Some of the proportions of the legs are a little off, but heck, it’s a fantasy piece :slight_smile:

Very well done. I applaud you.

The wings are gorgeous – they really say “flight” to me – but the horse itself is … well, StGermain hit it on the head – kind of wasp-waisted.

Very cool, though!

This is the first thing that I noticed. The wings seem like they should be on the body. They also (the wings) seem sort of fairy-ish, while pegasus have bird wings. I don’t know how difficult it would be to do this on glass, though.

But heck. It’s far beyond my own artistic abilities, so how am I to talk? Well done!

Hey, thanks for all the comments.
Just to clarify, he is reddish brown a bit like root beer. The sun wasn’t out when i took the picture. And, face it, I’m a stained glass gal, no photographer :rolleyes:
Selkie Thank you, for the very constructive comments.
The wings are meant to attach at the whithers. That is one of the areas that didn’t come out as I’d hoped. I had a tiny picture, and I guess I left something out.:confused:
I couldn’t quite figure out why he looks so static and you nailed it. It is the top line. Next time…
I agree about the legs. It looks like he takes ballet on the side, but only with his front legs.

Did any one look at the dryad (wood nymph) stepping stone? That would be the "fairie-like being. Its one of my favorite pieces, and it looks like I may have to leave it behind when we move to California. :frowning:

picunurse, why on earth would you give up your dryad when you move! She’s gorgeous! I think I like her the best of all the pieces of yours I’ve seen.

If you’d like, drop me a note privately or through my group (are you still subscribed?) and I can illustrate how I’d suggest you attach the wings next time. Any effort on my part to describe it in words would fail miserably, especially tonight. I’ve spent a couple of days on a new sculpture, and just now tonight realized I made a fundamental error that’s going to take lots of effort to correct. :frowning:

I especially like the blended colors and basic design of the wings and the way they relate to the size of the circle and the body of the horse.

Beautiful! Absolutely, beautiful. I’ve always admired stained-glass work and you have some fine examples here. Good job.

I think the pegasus might work a little better if there were more contrast between the wings and the background. Perhaps a bit of blue in the sky?

And that dryad is gorgeous. I hope that you can keep her, but if not, I’m sure you’ll get many offers to give her a good home (I’m in an apartment without any lawn of my own, so I can’t make that offer in good faith).

I agree with the comments about the back-line and the position of the wings, but it’s still a nice piece. The wings and the overall composition are great.

The dryad is even better; If I was still in Vancouver I’d offer to hop a bus down and give her a good home in my apartment. Since I’m in Texas now, I’ll just tell you to keep her at all costs!

When do you start making Pigasus ?

:smiley: :wink:

I’ve been gone for a couple days, so I’m a little late with my thanks.
I think I’m going to probably put Pegasus on Craig 's List, since I’m not happy with it.
Bosda Di’Chi of Tricor, you hide and watch, ok? :smiley: ( or… when Pigs Fly…)

Very nice. I really love the fairies, though, since they interest me more than horses with or without wings. Speaking of wings, I’m not positive, but it looks like the Pegasus’ wings are made out of the same glass as the background of a stained-glass a friend made for me (it’s the japanese character for friendship, but I privately think of it as " happy 3-legged man running" since that’s what it looks like to me). I bet the wings look gorgeous when they hit the light, then :smiley: