Effects of long-term untreated urinary tract infection?

Subject says it all…

Would would be the long-term effects of an untreated urinary tract infection?

Well - if you have a UTI, go and see a Dr, pronto, SVP.

That being said - depending on the sex of the person with the UTI:

The infection can move up the uriter to the bladder, so instead of a UTI, you wind up with a bladder infection, which sucks largely, according to my sources.

I believe for women, apart from bitterness, and malcontent, that’s about it (but IANAD).

However, I’ve heard that for men, depending on the infection, it can actually effect if not fertility, potentency for sure - the area in question is rather delicate, and a long term infection can have negative effects, or so I’ve been led to believe.

As I said, IANAD. If you have a UTI, see a Dr. pronto. etc, etc.

Actually, some more info:


according to this site, untreated UTI’s can progress to kidney infection in both sexes, and prostate infection in men, both of which sound like they suck largely.

There’s also a boat load of potential complications of UTI for someone who is pregnant.

Anyhow - not treating is a bad idea, from what I gather.

I got a kidney infection once from a long-term untreated UTI (didn’t realize I still had it once the symptoms moved up into my bladder, I guess, and to points northwards.) I ran a 104-degree fever for several days that didn’t respond to oral antibiotics, and had to go to the hospital and have antibiotics administered through an IV. The consequences of not treating a UTI ASAP can be pretty severe.

I had this happen the first time I got a UTI. I thought it was the sort of thing where you could just wait it out, and it would go away. But then I got lower back pain from the kidney infection. Nothing as bad as what happened to tiltypig, but I did have to take Cipro for 10 days (which gave me a yeast infection) and it was painful, so it did suck majorly.

The next time I had a UTI, I went to the doctor as soon as I suspected something was wrong. I’m majorly scared of doctors, so this should tell you something.

Once upon a time, a male person of whom I have 3rd-hand knowledge was rendered sterile by an untreated UTI.


It could fall off!! :eek:


It gets worse than just a kidney infection.

Worst case scenario, which is actually what you asked for, you’re looking at hydronephrosis, urinary reflux and scarred kidneys. Eventually leading to hypertension and renal failure in severe cases. This is more common in kids with UTIs which is why they get more intensively investigated than adults, but it doesn’t jst happen to kids.

Or that kidney infection could spread into the blood stream and leave you with generalised septic shock. Which could kill you, cause multi-system organ failure or leave you needing limbs amputated because of disseminated intravascular coagulopathy.

Get yourself sorted out.

I’m not saying this stuff WILL happen, I’m saying it COULD happen. Which is what you asked for.

Thanks for the feedback, folks…

Much appreciated…

Virginia Rappe had a UTI which, back in 1920, really couldn’t be treated very well (no antibiotics). It eventually infected her bladder, which developed a tear and she died from the resulting blood infection—much to Roscoe Arbuckle’s chagrin.

Sorry: 1921, not 1920 . . .

Hi ! I’ve experience of own. I’m having reoccuring UTI… I’ve started drinking water, I’ve gone a few weeks drinking nothing but water, yet when I go and drink a cup of soda (bad idea, I know, but I was in need of a sweet drink lol) the pain gets worse, I’m now drinking nothing but water… does the type of food I eat cause the UTI as well? My doctor advised me using ADULT DIAPERS . Thanks :slight_smile:

Huh, well I guess it is pretty serious. I have heard of people having UTI before and from what I gather it is very painful. I recently went for my first prenatal visit. The next day, I got a phone call from my doctor’s office saying they had called in a prescription for a UTI. Since my phone was just dropped in juice, I was not able to call back. They called about 8 times in the next three days. I’m surprised because I never had any painful symptoms.

Someone revived this zombie thread… it’s been so long I have NO IDEA who I was talking about in the above-quoted post.
Google appears to be reviving zombies again…

Avoid sugar, especially artificial sugar, and alcohol. I think caffeine is bad as well, but you’d have to google it. However, if you need sweet drinks, anything with vitamin C is good. Really large doses of Vitamin C can help get rid of it, because it makes the urine too acidic for the bacteria (I’m not sure how much it’ll help in your case, but if you do a megadose of Vitamin C when you are just getting a UTI, it can often get rid of it in a couple of hours. By megadose, I mean 1000 - 1500 mg).

Other good things:

  • pineapple, especially fresh (it has anti-biological properties, but check with your pharmacist to make sure it won’t interfere with your prescription),
  • cranberries (duh - but avoid drinks with lots of added sugar),
  • blueberries (has the same properties as cranberries, but a lot sweeter).
  • Drink at least 8 oz of water and pee about once an hour. You want to flush the bacteria out, but a full bladder hurts less. (I will literally set an alarm to remind me to drink and get up).
  • If you normally take baths, either switch to showers, or afterwards rinse off that area with running water.

Good luck. I know how much they can suck.