Who's that commercial hottie, volume XVIII!

I think I have a new favorite.

The redhead from the Dr. Pepper commercial. The ad where the sensitive boyfriend is buying tampons, etc, but leaves when she’s got her head in his lap, and takes a drink of his Dr. Pepper.

The ad has Meat Loaf’s “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)” playing during the commercial.

Man! Frickin’ gorgeous!

I believe this is the ad:

this is just video of the ad, not her name or anything.

I immediately jonesed on the current TV spokesmodel for Aveeno oatmeal skin care products. She’s dark blonde, bouncy shoulder-length curls, fair-skinned, with deep-set eyes and very fine features. The schtick is that she “doesn’t want to hide her face”.

Looks a bit like Shae D’Lyn, formerly of Dharma & Greg (Shae’s in the back row in this ensemble pic.) Shae would be about 40 now, but the Aveeno gal doesn’t look quite that old.

That would be her.

What an idiot! I’d buy her all the Dr. Pepper she can drink. I’d slit my mother’s throat for that girl.

I’m liking me some of that young man who wants to get his Levis out of the laundromat, so he’s throwing rocks at a window to wake up the laundry lady. He keeps hitting other windows, with totally attractive women waking up and looking out while he hides, and then after he gets his jeans out of the laundromat, he swaggers away in a very sexy way. I think it’s set to Madness’ “It must be love”. He’s hot! (Paris Hilton not allowed into my fantasy).

I always thought the same thing when I saw the commercial. Well, the first part, not the throat thing.

I actually did think “I’d slit Superdude’s mother’s throat for that girl.”

I saw a commercial last night for this virus protection program. They had this cute blonde with a Russian accent who was talking about “computer wiruses”.

How about that girl in the recording studio with the Hershey’s t-shirts?

Never noticed how cute that Dr. Pepper girl is. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for her.

Carrie Underwood (not the best picture, but it gets the job done). Thanks for the help guys!

I may be mistaken, but I thought that was recent American Idol winner Carrie Underwood.

Heh, Wolfian’s post wasn’t there when I replied.

Erin Chambers.


Sorry, guys–she’s married.

How about the girl who juggles tic-tacs on her tongue while waiting for the elevator in the office building?

Honey, what the hell are you doing working the corporate grind??

Yes, yes, I know it’s fake, but still . . . I can dream, can’t I?

I’m hot for the blonde in the (I think) Dell Laptop commercial, with pigtails. She brings in the newest super-durable computer to a co-worker and then they decide the first one should go to “Phil,” the office klutz.

How 'bout that “I smell cake” cubehottie in the AOL (I think) commecial where the customer bakes a thank-you for the company?

Yowza. Cute, techie, AND motivated by baked goods. Honey, I’ll bake you a cake anytime you want.

Dammit! Just the other day i saw a comemrcia lhottie nad wanted to start a thread about it, but now I can’t remember who it was/what the commercial was for. Damn!

Someone start naming all the commercials that have women in them that have been on tv in the last month. :smiley:

Well, that’s usually what these devolve down to…

How about the Quaker rice cakes gal with the librarian glasses?

“I wore culottes… 'cause they were cool.” :cool:

Honey, whatever you wore, it must have looked like a million bucks. My wife and I both think she toes the line between cutie and hottie. Who is she?