Why Is My Penis Darker Than The Rest Of Me?

I’ve noticed that the skin on the shaft of my penis is significantly darker than the skin on other regions of my body that are equally deprived of direct sunlight, such as my buttocks and upper thighs. Why might this be the case?

This is true despite the fact that I wash my penis more thoroughly and more enthusiastically than I wash the remainder of my body. What could be the cause of this?


It’s not unusual at all. Especially people from (or whose ancestors were from) Mediterranean countries, or some parts of Africa.

Possibly for the same reason a balloon looks darker when it’s not inflated.

What Princhester said.

The darkening is an effect of all that masturbation.

Do you mean because of slight charring due to frictional heat, or due to darkening vision as one goes blind?

I’ve seen this on various men. I tend to assume it is either an ethnic variant and/or a result of hormonal changes following puberty, which definitely cause the darkening of genital & nipple areas in women.

However, if your penis was a nice rosy pink a few months ago and suddenly is, say, black, you might want to have that checked out by someone. If it’s always been darker (or at least since puberty), it’s likely normal.

BTW, you may wanna check your ass crack, it likely is also darker. If you are very hairy, this may be hard to ascertain.

Washing, you say? Okaaay dude. We believe you. :smiley:

I have seen my share of nekkid white men. Ok, probably MORE than my share. Heh.

The genitalia of the men I’ve had privilege to see, are darker than the body. I’ve always supposed it’s a combination of thinner skin and more blood vessels in those regions.

It’s never been a turn-off or squick factor.

BTW , TheLoadedDog, wash that thing. We ladies will thank you for that :wink: .

“squick factor” ?

Read: ickyness.

It’s because you cover it in thick, bold, zesty A1 sauce.

Try using a little bit of white wine vineagar instead.

It’s a combination of (1) color blindness and (2) Chee-to consumption prior to wankage.

Hopefully, definition 1 is meant, not definition 2 (the original meaning).

Note that going clothesless has been the natural state of man for almost all of our existence. The wearing of clothes is quite recent. Even less recent is living in northern climes where having a pale skin in order to increase Vitamin D production is an advantage. As opposed to darker skin which is an advantage in sunnier climes. It might be a tradeoff: Slightly less Vitamin D production but less chance of sunburn to a reproductively significant area.

I think diet may be a factor. Yours is dark like chocolate while mine displays evidence of Cheetos. My advice would be for you to switch to M&Ms.

Dear Og,

Thank you for having the guy from Gobbler’s Knob talk about his penis.

That is all,


Plain or nut?

Considering your username, I think you have to consider the possibility that it may actually be somebody else’s penis.

Or perhaps it is actually your penis but somebody else’s body.

Ddi you leave it on top of the fridge? When I put bananas up there for a week they turn black.