How does an orgy happen?

Maybe I’ve been reading to much about the seedy side of world history: Popes, bishops, princes and kings living debauched lives and the like.

Is there an orgy coordinator?* Person with a clip board, “Please remember to strech before entering the anal penetration area. Please watch your step!” * Does everyone spontaneously decide to take their clothes off and fuck?

A good orgy requires organization and planning. What happens if you run out of lube half-way through? Will the chocolate sauce stain the couch? Will the whole thing terrorize the cat? So much to consider. Best to hire a pro, rather than attempt to plan one yourself.

I imagine the popes, kings, etc. could just ask someone to round up however many people they want. OTOH, my ex-roommate works at a hospital where he says there’s a “Naughty Nurses” group that rounds up a whole bunch of young hospital employees via MySpace and organizes a big orgy. (Coworkers only because everyone knows who’s on the pill, who’s got herpes, etc. It’s a brilliant idea.)

UH-OH! No listing in my yellow pages under Orgy Planner.

Well damn! I thought I could skip the middle man (juvenile giggle) to save a few bucks. :smiley:

Honestly, I am very boring, especially when it comes to sex. Just having a lot of random, strange questions in my head this week.

I’m impressed that this thread has been viewed 6 times and is up to 4 posts. I expected a lot more people thinking this very question to themselves and only opening the thread in hopes of also finding an answer.

I don’t know how house parties turn into orgies (my guess is alcohol and illegal substances), but I do know that several big cities have dedicated clubs for it.

Would be a really interesting new plot twist for Grey’s Anatomy. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d be happy to explain. Who has a paypal account? :smiley:

The only literal orgy I ever attended started as a run-of-the-mill nerd party. A little after midnight, the hostess loudly declared that anyone who wished to remain were required to strip down, and everyone else could hit the road. Good times.

Just remembering that obliterated my ability to compose a grammatically-correct sentence. Huh.

Yeah, those band camp nerds really know how to party.

At a nerd party? So, you had yourself in the kitchen…over the table…in the bathroom…


Good question, Mouse. Never having participated, been invited to participate, or had even the faintest idea that there were orgies going on anywhere, I have no idea about the answers.

How many is necessary for a legitimate orgy as opposed to just, say, a four-way or something?

According to Benny Hill, all that’s required is one extra person, not invoved, to say “Aw, gee!”

In my experience, all it needs is some nurses and a passing window-cleaner.

Not easy to set up, according to reliable sources. :stuck_out_tongue: [URL=]

I seem to recall the pilot wasn’t too different from that. Less formal and less polygamous, but still…

I wouldn’t be surprised if Calgary had at least one swinger’s club that hosts 1-3 orgies a week. San Diego does, though I’ve never been.

Enough that there isn’t time to get everyone’s number and see them again.

Not to mention the thank you cards. it gets complicated if there are too many people.

It can get embarrassing as well when the action moved faster than the brains.

“Thank for for the lap dance and rimjob Betty. It really brightened up my weekend.”


That was Carli who looks similar but is a little bit more plump. Betty is going to be pissed at that insinuation. You will be lucky to get the left side of a double hand-job next time.

Take several college students of both sexes & all possible orientations. Get together for bridge. Oops, wrong number for bridge. Okay, poker. Add substances–say, Annie Green Springs strawberry wine & something you can smoke. Decide it’s gonna be strip poker. Etc.

Finish with chocolate chip cookies and water (the only potable left).