What types of porn are people searching for? [NSFW]

So right when the AOL search data came out, I downloaded it at played around with it for about a week and then promptly forgot about it. One of the searches I remember doing was seeing how often people searched for “x porn” to get an idea of relative fetish frequencies.

Just tonight, I was chatting with a friend and remembered that a couple of fetishes seemed oddly high on the list so I decided to dig out the data again and rerun the analysis. What I found seemed quite odd given the consensus view on human sexuality:

Search for “porn” (fetish searches in bold):

  12189 porn
   7118 free porn
   2972 porno
   1481 porn.com
   1457 freeporn
    777 pornography
    745 free porno
    720 www.porn.com
    **709 teen porn**
    **691 gay porn**
    583 free porn movies
    535 sex.porn com
    530 www.freeporn.com
    529 pornstars
    **498 incest porn**
    **449 free gay porn**
    399 freeporn.com
    398 free porn pics
    **368 black porn**
    358 porn stars
    318 free porn videos
    312 porn sites
    309 www.porn
    **309 mature porn**
    308 free porn sites
    **304 asian porn**
    **301 cartoon porn**
    **300 lesbian porn**
    **285 preteen porn**
    285 porncity
    **281 teenporn**
    276 porn videos
    276 exits.freepornpics.com
    **264 porn queens**
    260 free porn.com
    **257 disney porn**
    **251 anime porn**
    **242 adult porn**
    **236 rape porn**
    **230 animal porn**
    **229 free lesbian porn**
    **226 free teen porn**

A search for “sex”

  11426 sex
   2107 sex positions
   1740 sex toys
   1698 free sex
   1696 sex stories
   1652 sex.com
   1594 free sex stories
   **1327 animal sex**
   1227 sexy girls
   1221 www.sex.com
   1166 sexual positions
   **1142 anal sex**
   1127 worldsex.com
   1110 sex offenders
   1033 sexy swimwear
    977 sexy
    **755 teen sex**
    **746 oral sex**
    613 sexy women
    **606 world sex**
    **565 teensex**
    **559 animalsex**

Now if you were to ask me before I ran this analysis what the most common fetishes were based on intuition, I would probably have said definitely teen and preteen, lesbian, maybe bondage, gay probably wouldn’t have surprised me. What I totally wasn’t expecting was that incest and animal sex ranked right up there. It seems our entire societal expectation is that incest and bestiality have always been somewhat fringe activities but the AOL logs show a very different picture to what we are commonly told.

Just as a matter of interest, I ran the top 10 most common queries for gay, teen, incest and animal respectively:

   1318 gay.com
    954 gay
    691 gay porn
    459 free gay pics
    451 gay sex
    449 free gay porn
    365 www.gay.com
    291 gay men
    246 gay pic
    213 www.blkgaychat.com

   1829 preteen models
    755 teen sex
    744 naked teens
    709 teen porn
    615 nude teens
    578 preteen
    565 teensex
    557 teen chat
    546 teen pussy
    497 teen models

   2071 incest
    594 incest galleries
    498 incest porn
    485 incest stories
    273 incesttaboo
    249 incestart
    189 incest pics
    153 incest sex
    148 free incest stories
    140 prepubescent incest stories

   1327 animal sex
    767 animals
    559 animalsex
    289 sex with animals
    230 animal porn
    203 animal planet
    157 animal pictures
    155 animal shelters
    134 jaguar animal
    131 animal kingdom

It seems pretty clear that, as far as search volume goes, animal sex and incest possibly even exceed all other types of fetishes.

Of course, one alternative explanation is that there are only a few incest or bestiality lovers but they simply do more searches. I’m planning on running another batch of processing tonight to see the number of unique users for these search terms to see if that is the case.

But assuming it’s not, what the hell are the implications that arise from this? What if there were more people who were into bestiality than were gay? How does that affect the discussion on gay rights or what are acceptable sexual practices? Why does the gay lobby have so much power compared to the animal lovers lobby if they are comparable in size? Do these people remain in the closet due to the intense social stigma? It’s too late for me to even begin to think about what this means but I’d be interested in hearing what you all make of this.

PS: Just noticed that people seemed to expect that gay porn should be free but not incest porn as much… kinda funny

I suspect that you’ll do better figuring out the numbers by looking up the number of sites that support a particular fetish, rather than the number of searches.

If a fetish is really hard to find, then you have to do more searching to find it, hence you’ll get a higher search count. But a porn site can only make as much money as there is demand for that content. So in general, the more demand there is, the more porn sites there will be that are able to stay afloat.

“Incest” porn is relatively common in Japan (going from how many sites (are rumored to) provide it.) Lesbian porn is actually harder to find. But I doubt that that holds true for English language sites from what…is rumored.

Are you looking for information?
A debate? With what as the thesis?

I’d like to look at the age demographic – when I was a mid teen there were all kinds of rumours about women and donkey’s and such like – the whole Catherine the Great gig.

Legendary stuff, and always just around the corner. Never got to see any, but then we didn’t have the Internet then.

So my hunch is it’s primarily humour/humor based stuff (by maybe young adults – the ‘lads’ culture, for example), with a bit of mid teen over-excitement thrown in.

How common the activities are is a very, very different thing from how common it is to search for them on the Internet.

As an aside: preteen porn would have figured in your top 2 fetish list, but incest surprises you?

Anything imaginable, and then some.

I think you’re biasing the counts by including the word “sex” and “porn”. Searchers are probably more likely to include those terms when searching for “incest” or “animal” simply because there are so many non-porn sites associated with those terms. Whereas “bondage” is going to get you a lot of porn sites whether you include the word “porn” or not. Same with “lesbian” and probably “gay” too.

I have the AOL data somewhere… I’ll see if I can find it.

Also remember that porn sites are part of fantasy life, and as such very different from what people are actually interested in participating in. I sincerely doubt my husband is searching for “routine married sex with my overweight wife” porn, but that’s what he enjoys doing in person most often!

A startlingly high number of women have so-called “rape fantasies” (I think they’re more accurately termed “consequence-free-sex-with-a-stranger fantasies”, but whatever) but I can guarantee that not nearly so many actually want to be raped. And changing public attitudes and policy under that assumption would be very unwise indeed. I can just see the defense now: “Well, your honor, the plaintiff had run 13 Google searches for “rape porn” in the previous week, so it was obvious that my client’s raping her was actually fulfilling her fantasy and therefore consensual.”

I’m a little surprised that wet sex doesn’t even make the list at all.

Or chuncky/chubby/fat (whatever its called) porn. It seems I’m always getting junk mail about this…yet it doesn’t seem popular, at least wrt what the OP is saying. I’d think, at least in America, it would be, er, hugely popular. :stuck_out_tongue:

(no idea what the debate is…just thought I’d toss that out)



I’m curious as to how the OP is defining “fetish.”

If it’s something I like, it’s a ‘variation.’ If it’s something you like, it’s a ‘kink.’ If it’s something they like, it’s a ‘fetish.’

Dunno if that’s what the OP meant, but what the hey. :slight_smile:

You missed one I heard someone talking about the other day…Midget Porn.

Heard about. Right.

An animal can’t really consent to sex; I’d say that’s the main reason why it’s wrong. Some behaviors would be immoral no matter how many people fantasized about doing it - rape, for example. So how does this affect the discussion on gay rights? Not at all.

What about this title…which caused me to nearly collapse from convulsive laughter?

“Ninety and Naughty”

You should have seen the photo.

There’s also this guy he knows who had to go to the emergency room to get a Mason jar removed from his rectum. This other guy, who totally isn’t him.

No wonder the Mason’s keep quiet about their ceremonies.

I know a couple people in the phone sex industry and they say 90% of their calls involve anal sex.

As far as a fetish calls, one has a number of foot fetish calls and one has a client who is a macrophile, but they say it’s pretty much all anal all the time. Maybe there are call centers for specialty work. :wink:

SFW http://www.salon.com/health/sex/urge/1999/05/22/macrophilia/index.html