Damn you, Esquire! 2 girls one cup

I didn’t know if the other thread was too old to add to, so, I didn’t.

I had only heard of this video through the SDMB, but I had heard enough to decide that it was definitely something I didn’t want in my permanent memory bank. Done deal.

So…I’m reading a pretty entertaining interview with George Clooney in this month’s Esquire and the interviewer has GC watch the video. My wine-addled late-night brain thinks, “Hell, if George Clooney can handle it, so can I.”

Ok, that is one bell you can NOT unring. I am so, so sorry!

In the clear light of today, however, I actually think that the thing is fake…so, there! I’m not just saying that to make myself feel better…that’s really my opinion.

Anyway, I know I’m late to the game on this one. I just wanted to express my displeasure with Esquire and my own lack of self control in avoiding the whole thing in the first place.

I was guessing chocolate enemas.

You know, pump it in, squeeze it out.

I hope it was chocolate enemas.

Couldn’t be the real thing. Could it? :eek: :eek: :eek:

Apparently, it is chocolate.

I’m filiing this video under goatse as things I know what they are, but choose not to see, but I must say it gives a disturbing new twist to Me and You and Everyone We Know. ))<>((

My Og, poor old Esky must really be losing readers to the lad-mags if one of their interviewers foists 2g1c on a subject.

What’s next, make 'em pound a Smoker’s Cough and see if they hurl?

Arnold Gingrich has been turning in his grave for quite a while anyway, though, so this is probably just an extra little push.

Fake or not, I’d like to thank those that made it. I nearly keeled over from laughing when I finally got my sister to watch it. Next victim is my boss.

The most hilarious videos on YouTube can be found by using “2 girls 1 cup reaction” as your search terms. One girl even showed it to her parents…

Did you see the one with the grandmother?

I am 34 years old who laughs a lot. I have NEVER laughed as hard as when watching that video. I woke my wife up from a nap, she thought I was having a seizure. She said I sounded like “A fucking maniac.” Thanks so much for the link! :stuck_out_tongue:


You are a terrible, terrible person. :wink:

I’ve watched a bunch of these reaction vids, and this is the best.

Although this reaction is still the best.

I go for the parody ones. A Guy put Kermit the frog reacting to the video and then in the sequel Kermit, like many others, looks for others to gross out with the video.

The “reaction” of Rowlf the Dog is priceless.

Language not safe for work, but nothing gross on the screen:

I was going to mention this, as I did see this one, and it’s rather disturbing (but funny, I guess). Kermit wasn’t grossed out- quite the opposite, actually…quite the opposite.

Rowlf wasn’t too impressed.

However it was impressive enough to be posted twice! :stuck_out_tongue:

I just saw the Kermit one yesterday, and I don’t know what was funnier- seeing him reach for the lotion or hearing him say “fuck.”


BTW, what was George’s reaction?

He ate it up.

groan That was low, even for you.

Found it!
(Clooney’s reaction, that is)

Damn, Clooney sounds like a hell of a guy, and funny too. He’d fit right in around here…