Open toed shoes at a funeral?

I’ll be attending a funeral soon, and the only black dress shoes I have are open-toed. Do I have to buy new ones, or will these work?

Unless this funeral is of some special in-denial-about-toes religious variety, those shoes will be fine.

With dark hose?

Ack! Do I have to wear hose? I’m wearing a calf-length skirt. I hate this.

You can’t wear hose with open toed shoes. Good Lord.

Just make sure your toes aren’t painted scarlet and it should be fine.

While I don’t like open toed shoes for formal-ish events (including the office), I realize I’m a bit curmudgeonly and it seems to have become a generally accepted practice. Like HNC says, just don’t wear flamboyant toe nail polish; as long as the rest of your outfit is conservative (no cleavage), you’ll be gold.

You’ll be fine. Your footwear will be the last thing on anyones mind.

Open toed shoes at a funeral?

As long as they match your tube top, and you don’t spill your beer in the coffin.

ETA: while this is the way it really strikes me, no one is likely to really notice your shoes, but if they do…

Ain’t that what they make sandalfoot hose for? :confused:

Those particular shoes look fine. Something too vampy might not. Although, people should be just glad you came even if you wear your 'kini.

I think hosiery with open-toed shoes of any kind is the only potential crime here, funeral or otherwise; those shoes are fine. Even if your nails are painted vamp-red; honestly, I don’t see the point of removing toenail polish to attend a funeral. Would you remove a manicure in an “inappropriate” color? Is red nail polish “disrespectful” to the dead? This is silly.

Nobody’s going to be looking at your feet anyway.

…then, what?

No. A million times no. It’s hose or toes, ladies. Pick one.

I agree that those will be fine as long as the rest of your outfit is conservative, which it should be anyway, at a funeral.

Yes, but only if your wear tartan socks.
Send pics.


For gosh sake, use a coaster on the coffin! You don’t want to leave a ring! :smack:

I can assure you that at my grandmother’s funeral at the beginning of September 2007, sandals outnumbered other footwear*, and only 2 people were observed to be wearing hose.

If you will be attending the burial at the cemetary, think twice about wearing anything you can’t walk on grass with comfortably, especially if it’s been raining recently. But that’s a common sense thing, not a fashion thing.

*On ladies, that is. The men wore proper men’s dress shoes.

I think they would be fine and they look like nice shoes.

-Chao, who has been to her Grandma’s funeral where a distant cousin showed up with white pumps that she colored black with a permanent marker.

Having learned this the hard way (spikey heels sinking in dirt graveside and having to wander halfway up a steep hill to get to the gravesite on grass in the darn things), if there is ANY chance I’m going to be graveside, its long black slacks and black loafers or flats of some sort.

And if there is any chance my grandmother will be there, I will end up going graveside to support her - which can’t be done in spikey heels.

If they were OK for Jesus’ disciples they’ll be OK for you

No. You are not a duck and do not want webbed feet.

In order of priority:

  • get to the funeral to show your respects, even if you must go shoeless
  • wear shoes that keep you safe with regards to graveside services and walking distances
  • wear shoes that are at least business appropriate to show your respect for the occasion and the deceased
  • wear shoes that are comfortable enough to last the day
  • wear shoes that make you happy

If you can get the first three, everything else is gravy.