Open toed shoes at a funeral?

I think those shoes are fine, unless you wore something wildly inappropriate no one will even notice.

I agree that you may want to consider whether or not you’ll have to walk through the grass in those, not impossible but kind of a pain.

And, while I wore pantyhose with open toed shoes when I was a teenager back in the '70s, here in FL it’s considered very tacky to wear open toed shoes with panty hose but I realize that may be different for people who live in cooler climates.

I live in Minnesota and its still … I hesitate to say tacky …“fashion innocent.” You wear closed toe shoes in the winter or when you need to wear hose.

I have been to a depressing number of funerals recently. No one will give a damn. They’ll be too busy, you know, grieving.

Just don’t send text messages during the eulogy like my idiot cousins during during Aunt Gigi’s funeral.

Unbelievable! What’s next? White shoes after labor day?

Once upon a time, at the dawn of history, only black was acceptable. We wore gloves and hats to weddings and black was an absolute no-no on anyone; white shoes/handbags (they HAD to match) were only worn/used Memorial Day to Labor Day. Then, it was black or whatever dark colour. Today, bridesmaids, mothers of the bride and/or groom wear black to weddings.

“Fashion” has changed drastically over the years. I agree with no bright toenail polish, but I see nothing wrong with the shoes.

Just my 2 cents.

Are you talking about the ones that have a hole at the end for your toes? Because those are just satanic, fashion-wise.
Renee, I’m sorry to hear that you have to attend. Was this someone close?

Then they may think that Renee’s footwear is inappropriate.

It’s Spring, open toed shoes that aren’t too flashy, and are black are acceptable. Open toed shoes in the winter though, wouldn’t be comfy.

It is?

I think that’s what they call footless tights. Or something.

Sheer-toehose is probably what I meant.

And I’ve never heard of not wearing hose with open-toed shoes. That plain puzzles me.

Thanks. It’s my father in law–he actually isn’t dead yet, but he’s in the end stages of cancer, and probably only has a few days. We’re flying to the states today to be with him. He’s a good man, and we will miss him.

Thanks for the shoe advice, everyone. I think they should be fine.

In some locales winter != cold. I don’t know if it’s cold where Renee is right now, or not.

**NinetyWt **
I am moving to MS in a month or so. If I ever catch you out with sandals or open toed shoes and hose, I will personally steal every pair of pantyhose you own and stalk you at Wal-Mart when you try to buy replacements.
It’s just one of those things that friends don’t let friends do.

Well, but winter in those places often means rain, right? Open toed shoes in the mud…not good. :wink: :slight_smile:

I’m just glad to hear that you’re taking the trouble to dress appropriately, instead of in old jeans and sneakers and your “I’m with Stupid” T-shirt. Too much of that sort of thing at the funerals I’ve been to in the last few years.

Black stockings?

Another vote for “they’re fine”. And like others said - be careful if you have to walk in grass.

Ha! Very easy since I don’t have any open-toed dress sandals/shoes.

We do have some sidewalks. One or two. Like, in the city and all. :wink:

I’ve never been able to keep up with fashion anyway - the deal used to be that grown-up ladies wore hose out in public, and nice shoes. Going bare-legged was scandalous! Of course all that has changed (for the better, considering our 100-degree steam-bath days in July). But I’ve seen lots and lots of lady feet in sheer-toe hose, in open- or peep-toed shoes. I was clueless that it’s a faux pas now.

:: twitch ::

No. Stockings. With. Open-toed. Shoes.

Be careful, lest Shellibean discover where you live.

Depends on your definion of ‘is’. It** is** my opinion that that’s the impression she may leave on others. Others have other opinions.