If any of the judges on American Idol quit, who would you replace them with?

And if the show runs long enough it’ll happen.

The replacement needs to have some music expertise, stage presence, and (while obviously not completely required) coherence and valid critiquing.

Some nominees for a seat I would suggest (not for any particular judge, but feel free to be specific):

Jon Bon Jovi- seemed pretty good when he was giving advice

Gene Simmons- very intelligent guy who should certainly know a bit about surviving in the music business

Cher- if she’s at all interested I think she’d be a great replacement for any one of the 3

Frankly, after last night I’d recommend Andrew Lloyd Webber.

A suicide bomber.

Yeah but he’d never do it, sadly. ALW was awesome. What I LOVED about him was that he managed to do all of these simultaneously:

give good, relevant, and helpful advice
be positive toward everyone
not insult anyone
yet still express skepticism about the ability of certain people to “pull it off”

Seems like most don’t have the balls to say anything other than “oh I was blown away, they’ll be amazing!”

Give Paula another year or so. Though I doubt the explosives will work.
ETA: Agreed, ALW was fantastic. I always assumed he’d be an arrogant prick (he’s a British Lord and a composer and a billionaire after all) but he seemed a genuinely nice guy and gave very polite and supportive advice while not being afraid to say “No!” and “what the hell are you thinking?”.

I want Ozzy to be a judge. That would be fun and then I might watch the show again.

Seacrest: Ozzy what do you think?
Ozzy: W.w.w.w.w.well I I I I I I I I thought th th that…b b b b but I I I I I think sh sh she…

5 minutes later

Seacrest: Well we have to take a commercial break and we’ll get Ozzy’s comments when we come back.

Seriously though I think Gene Simmons would be a great judge for the same reasons Sampiro said.

Johnny Rotten would be a good judge. I think he would be like Simon and be real honest with out trying to sugar-coat his statemants like Paula does.

Mickey Rooney. That way the show would be fun to watch.

I think Ozzy would be great, especially after screwing up so bad on Survivor.

Oh, wait… :smiley:

In a funny coincidence, in her “I hate that 8sshole Ryan Seacrest and here’s why” spiel (YouTube link- strong language) Kathy Griffin tells about Seacrest being p.o.d at Ozzy snubbing him backstage at the infamous awards show they co-presented at.

Other great anti-Idol judges:

William O. Donohue

Andy Griffith

Ann Coulter

Jamie Lynn Spears

Well in that vein, how about James Carville.

[strong Cajun accent]

I gotta say, 'at juss stunk up da whole damn rhume. Da noise dat come oudjo mouf sounded like a stepped on cat. I wooten buy a record from you if da Pope hiz self commanded it. God almighty, you cain’t sang.

[/strong Cajun accent]

And if we have to replace two judges, Ozzy and Keith Richards!

John Madden.

Hasselhoff would actually be pretty good despite the cultural baggage he carries.

Nevermind, I change my answer to this.

In that bit, she says that Seacrest ripped open her shirt at the American Music Awards… is that on YouTube somewhere? I want to see if it’s true

Randy Jackson -> Tim Reid
Paula Abdul -> Jan Smithers
Simon Cowell -> Frank Bonner

I don’t know who any of those three people are.

Hey! If she’s available for some real testing of her skills: Judge Judy.

I had to look them up. They all had roles on “WKRP in Cincinnati.”

I really liked Barry Manilow when he was on AI a few seasons ago – he’s probably a better coach than judge though.