TV Catchphrases

I was trying to make a list of TV characters and their catchphrases.

Some examples

Flo (Alice) “Kiss My Grits”
Maude (Maude) “God’ll Get You For That”
Samantha (Bewitched) “Well?”
Maynard (Dobie Gillis) “You Rang?” & “Work!”

I’m sure there are lots others

Alan Partridge: "Ah-HA!"

Archie Bunker: “Shut up you!”
Arnold Jackson-Drummond: “Whatchu talkin’ 'bout, Willis?”
Steve Urkel: “Who me?”
Michael Scott: “That’s what *she * said.”
Roscoe P. Coltraine: “Good news, good news!”
Gomer Pyle: “Shazam!”

Benson, on Soap: You want ME to get that???

J.J. Evans: “Dy-no-mite!”
Church Lady: “Well, isn’t that special?”
Frank Barone: “Holy crap!”
Col. John ‘Hannibal’ Smith: “I love it when a plan comes together.”
Fred Flintstone: “Yabba dabba doo!”
Charlie: “Good morning, Angels.”

Joey Tribbiani: How you doin’?

Vinnie Barbarino: “Up your nose with a rubber hose!”

Andy Milman: “Are You Having a Laugh?”

From the Dick Van Dyke Show: Laura, “Oh, Rob”

From SNL:
Chevy Chase: “I’m Chevy Chase and you’re not” “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.”
Dennis Miller: “That’s the news, and I am OUTTA HERE.”
Jon Lovitz as the Liar: “Yeah, that’s the ticket”
Fernando: “You look mahvelous!”
Dan Aykroyd: “Jane, you ignorant slut”
Emily Littella: “Never Mind”
Rosanna Rosanna Dana: “That little ball of sweat at the end of your nose”
Church Lady: “Well, isn’t that special?”
“We are two wild and crazy guys!”

**Get Smart: **
Max: “Would you believe …”
“That’s the second…I’ve ever seen.” as in “that is the second largest arrow I have ever seen” in reference to a 60’ tall ballistic arrow.

Chief: Max, you realize you’ll be facing every kind of danger imaginable.
Max: And loving it!

“I asked you not to tell me that!”
“Missed it by that much!”
“The Old __________ Trick” Example, “The old Gun in the Finger Trick”
“Sorry about that Chief!”

One from Siegfried: “Zis is KAOS, Ve Don’t _______ Here!” as in
Shtarker: Let me let them have it. Dudududududu (making a machine gun noise).
Siegfried: Shtarker, zis is KAOS, we don’t Dududu here.

Jimmy JJ Wlaker: “Dyn-O-Mite!” (Good Times)
Sgt. Schultz (Hogan’s Heroes): “I know nothing!”

**Welcome Back Kotter: **
Arnold Horshack: “Ooh-ooh-ooooh!” & “Hello. How are ya? I’m Arnold Horsha-a-ck”
Vinnie Barbarino: “Up your nose with a rubber hose” & “What?” “Where?” “Why?”
Mr Kotter: “Did I ever tell you about… (Varying relatives, usually an uncle)?”
Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington: “Hi there.”
Juan Epstein: “Hey, Mr. Kotter, I got a note!”

I’ll stop there for now, there are too many.

Sanford and Son: (Redd Foxx) I’m coming to join you Elizabeth

DarkWing Duck: I am the terror that flaps in the night

Full House: (Dave Coulter) Cut! It! Out!
Stephanie: Pin a rose on your nose
D.J.: You’re such a nerdbomber

Hawaii 5-0: Book 'em Danno

Hee-Haw: (Roy Clark): Empty arms Hotel

There are many, many more.

SSG Schwartz

Donald Trump: “You’re fired.”

Andy Devine: “Pluck your magic twanger, Froggy”

Well, like I said, I’m ooooooold.

MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: This message will self-destruct in 5 seconds. Good Luck Jim.

Hannibal Smith, THE A TEAM: I love it when a plan comes together.

Sgt. Friday. DRAGNET: I carry a badge.

The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show: “Say goodnight, Gracie.” Goodnight, Gracie."
Laugh-In: “Say goodnight, Dick.” “Goodnight, Dick.”
The Smothers Brothers Show: “Mom always liked you best!” “That was not a compliment.”
The Jackie Gleason Show: “And away we go!”
The Honeymooners: “Straight to the moon!” “Hey, Ralphie boy!”
The Munsters: “Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn! Darn!”
The Drew Carey Show: “Bite Me, doughboy.”
Blackadder: “I have a cunning plan.”
Taxi: “Tenk you veddy much.”
The Addams Family: “You rang?”
Batman: “Holy ___, Batman!”
The Simpsons: “Homer Simpson, sir. One of your ___ in Sector 7-G.”
Some Simpsons characters have catchwords or noises: “Excellent,” “D’oh!”
Several phrases have been strongly identified with Bart, although some of them he may have said only once or twice: “Don’t have a cow, man,” “Eat my shorts,” “I’m Bart Simpson, who the hell are you?” “Cowabunga!”

“Your under arrest Sugah”…Get Christie Love.

Archie Bunker: “Edith Stifle !” “You meathead !”

Tom Smothers: “mom always liked you best !”

Monty Python: “And now for something completely different…”

Addams Family: “Tish, you spoke French!” and “Querida”
Blossom: “Whoa!”
ST:TOS : “He’s dead, Jim”
Fat Albert: “HEY HEY HEYYYY!”
Jed from The Beverly Hillbillies: “Whee Doggies!”
Newhart: “Hi, I’m Larry, this is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl.”

…and everyone on The Bob Newhart Show: “Hi, Bob!”

Radar in MASH - “Wait for it.”

This one ticks me off, because Trump acts like he invented that phrase, which obviously has been part of the language for a long time before he ever uttered it on the air. It ought not be attributed to Trump.

Can we count “I’d buy that for a dollar!” from RoboCop?

Dr. McCoy: Damn it, Jim, I’m a doctor, not a (bricklayer, Moon shuttle conductor, escalator…)!