Commercials that make you want to hurl...?

This one has been making me want to hurl ever since the first time I saw it. I don’t understand why the makers feel that they must advertise it the way they do, but … gah, it’s sickening! What am I talking about? Why the PedEgg, which is some sort of pumicestone-like appliance that shaves the dead skin off of your feet. The ad actually shows the dead skin in such a way as, “ooh, look at all the dead skin I’ve been able to shave off of my feet! Now they don’t look so nasty any more!” Oh yes, they also show the “before” feet pictures, and yes, they do look nasty. But -why- do they feel that they must show the inordinately large amount of dried and nasty dead skin that has been shaved away?! I mean come on, that’s just NASTY!!! I don’t know how many of those things they have sold … I do know that I wouldn’t buy one no matter how nasty my feet looked, simply because of the nastiness of their ads! :smiley:

From looking at the testimonials on several websites (yes, I did do a bit of research on the product…), it apparently works. So maybe I would buy it, but I do find the ads offensive. I’m sure there must be some better selling point than to show the mounds of dead skin it removes!!

Yeah, that one is pretty gross. I guess they feel they have to show the dead skin shavings to “prove” the thing works. Still pretty icky. And rather than a pumice stone it is more like a cheese grater for your feet!! I’m sure that will make it less icky next time you watch it!! :wink:

For me, hurl-worthy commercials are any that have a supposed cute kid with food all over their face…awww isn’t that cute? BARF!!! It’s usually a paper towel commercial or some other sort of cleaning product ad. The kids always seem to have half-eaten spaghetti all over their face and on clothing. ::shudder::

And don’t get me even thinking about the commercials with the mucus people! D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G!

Go fudge yourself!

The Diet Dr Pepper commercial where people are drinking jellybeans and stuff grosses me out for no real reason.

Also, any Gatorade commercial where an athlete is sweating copious amounts of neon-colored fluid. I have no desire to see that much perspiration on anyone.

The coloured sweat in the Gatorade commercials always queases me out as well… Its not the sight of the sweat that does it, its the fact that its coloured the same hues as the drink…

I can’t help but getting an image of that being where they get Gatoradie from…


It’s an oldie but a goodie…the toenail fungus remedy that shows the fungus monster lifting up the nail and climbing in!

Gaaaaah!!! shudder

To continue the food on the precious child’s face theme, there’s a new one (also for a paper towel, I believe) that has a baby with some sort of…greenish, brownish colored goo all over his face and hands. In close up. On high definition. GAK!

I’m surprised no one has mentioned what is my actually my favorite commercial- the eTrade webcam baby explaining that he just bought stock & in the middle of his pride, he spits up & can over say a stoner-esque “Whoa…”

I present…the Oozinator.

That one doesn’t so much make me hurl as yell, “How didn’t someone at Standards & Practices CATCH that?!”

Is that a real product? My God in Heaven. “Major pumping required!”

It is indeed. That link goes to the actual Hasbro website.

For me, it’s the one where the woman grabs the guy’s nose, opens his mouth, and proceeds to drink from his mouth. I think it’s supposed to show how juicy his gum is. Ugh.

Has the statute of limitations run out on the Quiznos Spongmonkeies ones? Even if not, I’m still not gonna eat there because of those spots.

I was always under the impression (seriously) that she was using her tongue to search his mouth for his mint. Your take is…also interesting.

My boss owns one, and threatens to squirt us whenever we go off task. :stuck_out_tongue:

At first, they played this with a strange watery/bubbly SFX.

Now the sound is gone.

This one has just the opposite effect on me. I find it totally hilarious!


Damn, they purged the customer reviews on Amazon for the Oozinator. They were the funniest things I’ve ever read in my life (including not so vague allegories with family orgies, the trope of catholic priests being molesters and other fun things!)

Edit: Yay! Someone recovered some of them form the cache.