Does the X-Files still hold up?

I have a new cable TV package that show re-runs of the X-Files. Reminds me what a fine show it was, I can easily pass an hour watching some of the old episodes. I reckon it holds up pretty well.

One problem I’m having is re-adjusting to David Duchovny. I remember first watching the show and being in disbelief at his woodeness. He makes Keanu Reeves look like Daniel Day Lewis. I sort of got used to it first time round and stopped noticing, he just became part of the fabric of the show.

He’s not got any better with a repeat viewing, the wooden wee man. Gillian Anderson OTOH was just outstanding in the show, role of a lifetime for her.

ETA - Just reading Gillian Anderson’s wiki page and see there is an X-Files movie out today! I don’t know what day it is with new movies, I’d not heard anything about it :smack: I guess that makes the thread pretty topical - anyone going to watch it?

I watched the first four seasons for the first time not too long ago and loved it. I do like David Duchovny a lot, I like him better than Scully.

I watch X-Files regularly and thinks it holds up just fine…especially seasons 3 and later. The first two seasons are a bit hard to watch for me, though there are some strong episodes. I never thought Duchovony was wooden. I always thought it was more of the character of Mulder–isolated, brilliant, reserved, and extremely wary of everybody who isn’t Scully, with occasional moments of dry yet wonderful sarcasm.

Incidentally, I went to the midnight showing last night and I loved the movie. It was like stepping into a pair of comfortable, well-worn shoes. Shoes that you love.


We’ve been getting the original series on DVD on and off now for a year or so. Both Mr. Athena and I liked the show when it first came out, but we weren’t so into it that we canceled all else to watch it, so a lot of them are new to us. They’re great fun, and have held up just fine.

We’ve been rewatching old episodes while getting excited for the new movie. I think it holds up pretty well, although of course some episodes are better than others.

You know what doesn’t hold up very well? Scully’s clothes. My gosh, I didn’t think the 90s were that long ago, but her suits … whoa.

I think Gillian Anderson is lovely, though, and looks even better in the trailers for the new movie. David Duchovny aged … not as well, I think.

I find that the “monster of the week” episodes have held up well. The “myth-arc” episodes haven’t.

The myth-arc ones (the ones that dealt with the conspiracy) were interesting because we were all trying to figure out what the conspiracy was, who was in on it, etc. We believed that “the truth is out there,” and we wanted to know what it was. But the resolution (or lack thereof) was so unsatisfactory that those episodes just seem pointless.

And I’m with del on Scully’s clothes. Yeesh! Her suits were certainly conservative by the standards of the time, but now…well, what a difference a decade can make!

Knowing that the movie was coming out and that my brother has been getting into the series, i started tivoing the syndicated run. I don’t find it as rewatchable as some of my other scifi favs. My fav eps still hold up well. But on the whole I find myself watching a little bit and then erasing it. I find it annoying to watch a lot of the post Mulder episodes. I like Doggett and the other chick fine, and most of their MOTW eps are decent, but I find that after Mulder left they kind of butchered most of the mytharc storyline. I still love the first movie, and find it very rewatchable. I like the new movie too, though it’s very different than the first one. I’m hopeful that a third final movie will redeem and resolve the mytharc and the impending alien invasion storyline.

Did you know she was 25 when The X-Files started? From those suits I had no idea.

I saw Gillian Anderson on some interview show a couple years ago, she came across as a lightweight ditz, sort of an anti-Scully. Which I guess makes her a pretty good actress, she wasn’t just being herself while on-screen.

I’ve heard from plenty of sources that Gillian Anderson is not very intellectual. She says so herself. But she must be smarter than she admits and/or a heck of an actress to have pulled off lines like “Mulder, not everything is a labyrinth of dark conspiracy, and not everybody is plotting to deceive, inveigle and obfuscate.”

Yes, it totally holds up.

My wife and I have re-watched the show over the past year(we’re on season 9 now). Seasons 3-7 are still very well done, especially 3-5.

8 & 9 still suck, but I’m surprised how many good episodes were in season 8. Nine, which we’ve just started, appears to be as horrible as I remembered.

By the way, I saw Gillian Anderson on TV this week and she mentioned she had forgotten she’d had a baby on the show. David Duchovny reminded her about William and that they had had an episode entitled “Wliiam”(which he had directed).

She is not hugely into Scully, let’s say.

Since there’s nothing else on TV right now, I’ve been watching Season One that I got cheap on eBay. All the 5 or 6 episodes I’ve (re)seen so far hold up well, with the exception of one that sucked to begin with.

Gillian Anderson forgot her whole pregnancy, birth and adopting out arc? That’s sort of hard to believe. Didn’t she read what she was saying?


To each their own, but I’m 180[sup]o[/sup] away from you on this point. IMHO, Anderson looks drawn and haggard; Duchovny, relaxed and rested.

I think she was saying that she had forgotten in the years between about the baby. I’m sure once she realized William is referenced in film, she had it re-explained to her.

Okay, can you be a little less elliptical? I can’t tell what your point is – Are her clothes old-fashioned? Inappropriate? What?

Totally agree. Which is why I (and many other megafans, by the looks of the b.o.) had no interest in the movie. I want inbred families and Fiji mermaids, not eye tar and FBI conspiracies!

Typical Scully season 1 attire

The X-Files 2 was a standalone movie. No eye tar or FBI conspiracies in sight. And it still blew giant chunks.