Russian/English online translation with Roman characters?

I am trying to translate some words from English to Russian for a story, but it seems like all the online Russian/English dictionaries translate the words into their Cyrillic spelling, which means I have no idea how to spell them in Roman characters, or how to pronounce them. I have googled a lot and not found one that works, but maybe my search-fu is weak. Does anyone know a good site?

(The words in question are “Midnight Star,” the name of a horse, in case anyone just wants to tell me how to write them in Russian. :))

bump, hoping someone can help me.

Actually, why not just learn it? It’s really not difficult. This site promises you can learn it in 75 minutes, but you can probably bring that down to about 30. This is similar. If you really care, this has more detail on the pronunciation of unstressed vowels and devoiced consonants.

First of all I wouldn’t trust a machine translation of a two word composite noun, particularly in a language like Russian where composites are not formed like they are in English.

Then, why translate a proper name? If I referred to a horse named ‘Midnight Star’ in a German sentence I certainly would not translate the name into German - it’s a name, i.e. an identifier not a descriptor.

All right, I’ll give it a go. My Russian isn’t brilliant, and my transliterations aren’t standardized, but:

Полночная Звезда (Polnóchnaya Zvezdá) : Midnight Star (Миднайть Старь)

The Russian is pronounced something like: pull-NOACH-nuh-yah zvyez-DAH.

The horse was named in Russian – the character in the story who owned the horse is Russian, and the name means Midnight Star.