Mosquitos and DEET

I’d like to comment on the column about mosquitoes and blood type: Do mosquitoes prefer certain blood types? Plus: Do tall men get more skin cancer? - The Straight Dope

The fourth paragraph says:

This is what I’ve always heard, but it appears as though there is reason to believe that this is not the case, according to recent research: DEET's Not Sweet To Mosquitoes, Groundbreaking Research Shows | ScienceDaily

According to the research, mosquitoes simply don’t like the smell of DEET.

Here’s a link to a PDF of the paper:

I wonder why they don’t like the smell of DEET. It’s not a learned behavior, so it must be hard wired, but since DEET hasn’t been around long enough to affect evolution, it must smell like something else that they developed an aversion to as a species. Perhaps some prey whose blood doesn’t agree with them?

Could be. In a commentary to the paper that was published in the same journal, is this:

Interesting. I always thought DEET poisoned the little bastards. On occasion I have gleefully sprayed DEET on clouds of mosquitoes with the misconception that I was killing them; now I’m disappointed. I wonder if they’ll be able to concoct a less toxic (to humans) version of DEET.

Someone might. FWIW, I believe the toxicity of DEET is often far overblown, and without good scientific evidence. For example, this New England Journal of Medicine publication (85kB PDF):

includes this:

(I removed the reference numbers for readability.)

I know there are those who swear that they have various negative reactions to DEET, but the best scientific evidence does not appear to support anything but an extremely low level of toxicity.

Kudos to shannybonanny, who appears to have originated the phrase “addictive as caramel-covered crack” that Cecil credited to the SDMB in this column.

Judging by the accompanying cartoon, I suspect they’re attracted to gigantic boobs as well.

More recent information on the issue of why they bite you.

The great majority of Native Americans are type O. Could type O blood be the natural diet of American mosquitoes?