Amazing Race has Globetrotters

Harlem Globetrotters

Wow, 7 of the 12 teams are couples, one of which is newly dating and one that have broken up three times. That’ll be a hoot.:rolleyes:

You don’t like the drama of fighting couples? That’s half the fun! :wink:

The Globetrotters should be fun, too. Wait until they get to the Asian countries where they will look like giants! They might have trouble in taxis or other modes of transportation.

Wasn’t there quasi “little people” in last seasons TAR?

There apparently was, although they’re probably not as famous as Charla Faddoul, the now-famous little person who appeared a few years ago.
Too bad the Harlem Globetrotter contestants won’t do the silly tricks the Globetrotters are known for. That would make me watch it. (And having Sweet Georgia Brown play every time they are on screen.)

Mark & Michael, the stuntmen brothers (standing in for kid actors). If they weren’t around other people to judge how short they were, their little person-ness wasn’t nearly as apparent as Charla’s.

I don’t mind a little couples drama. I hate when it takes over the show though.