Things you can do with 3D glasses

So…is it true that if you wear the 3D glasses from “Avatar” upside down and backwards you can see through clothing? And should a person be verrrrry careful at whom they are peering when they try this? (For instance, one might not want to test this out on Ed Asner or Rush Limbaugh as a first choice.) And what other visual miracles can these glasses perform? (I would suggest they can be used to view Sarah Palin’s thought centers but I don’t believe they have magnifying properties.)

I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around how it would be possible for 3D glasses to see through clothes (And specifically fabric? Or any thin material?) Where did you hear this? It sounds like someone is having you on.

Are you sure you meant to post this in GQ?

Are you sure you’re dobieman and not doobieman?

You can do some neat tricks with the glasses (especially if you have multiple pairs), but seeing through clothing is not one of them. For starters, try just arranging multiple lenses at various angles and orientations one in front of the other. Then, look at a computer screen or digital watch through them, or at a rainbow.

It seems like walking around wearing 3-D glasses on upside-down and backwards would significantly decrease your chances of seeing anybody naked.

Since this does not seem to be a factual question, it’s better suited for MPSIMS than GQ.

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When I wear mine I can go outside in a t-shirt and shorts in below freezing temperatures and not get cold. Because they are “polarized” the will keep you warm in polar like temperatures.

You can cut out a lens and use it for a craptastic version of a polarized lens filter.

You can use the filters to polarize emitted light from two sources placed close together to create a 3D shadow projector. This creates the eerie effect of a solid, 3D shadow standing behind the wall, reaching back at you as you reach for it. (You have to be wearing another pair of 3D glasses to see the effect, naturally.)

Ooh, I’ve got to try this now!

I’m glad someone responded as above and so quickly. See, I live in Alaska, sadly the homeplate of Sarah Palin. She’s been making quite a bit of money lately going about spewing the most inane sort of drivel one could imagine yet she still has a good following up here not to mention her own spot on Fox news. I was hoping by posting a message that would be in keeping with her sort of thinking (if you think this was far out consider she quite fervently believes humans and dinosaurs co-existed only 6,000 years ago) I could roughly gauge the strength of healthy skepticism in the American public. Hence, as I said I am glad to see it still exists.
But you have to admit, in and of itself it would make a neat rumor to get started, possibly as good as some coming out of the 60’s and 70’s!
I will rest easier tonight free from nightmares of a President Palin. (And I’ll read with interest the genuine alternative uses for those glasses. I couldn’t see popping mine into the “recycling” bin at the theater after having just paid $2 for them, especially with all the 3D movies coming up that will utilize them.)

One possible use…stress “possible”…I was wondering about is as cheap sunglasses. Do they polarize sunlight the same way as sunglasses which are made and advertised as having that effect, and do they do it to the same strength? Or would I just be quietly frying my retinas if I tried this?

I saw Avatar a couple of weeks ago with friends and the glasses came with the price of admission. I saved mine too and when I got home I looked through them a few times, moved them around in different directions but I didn’t notice anything special about them.
I went again with my son yesterday to a matinee and bought the tickets ahead of time online. When I gave them to the ticket taker he told us what theater number it was playing in and to enjoy the show. I asked if we supposed to get glasses and he said yeah, they’re five bucks each. I gave him one of those squinty eyed “huh”? looks and he laughed and said just kidding and handed over a couple of pairs. I wonder if he actually made money off people doing that. He looked a little shifty. I put both my pairs in the recycling bucket after the movie. (I did have the old pair with me and for a split second I was thinking I just saved five bucks.) Watch, they’ll be selling on eBay for $100 a pair five years from now.
So did you have to pay $2.00 for yours, or was the admission price higher than usual? They will only work as sun glasses if you constantly keep your line of sight at a 90 degree angle to the sun. - just kidding, I really don’t know.
I don’t think Sarah Palin will be elected POTUS, but if it does happen, come to New Jersey because I’m 99% sure we’ll be seceding from the Union.

Well, I’m sure you could design clothes that would be nearly invisible wearing polarized glasses, but I don’t think anything is designed that way.

But wearing them upside down and backwards? How can you even do that?

[Moderator Note]

For future reference, don’t post questions you know are ridiculous in General Questions. We try to keep that forum for serious factual questions. If you want to do this sort of thing in the future, start your thread in MPSIMS.

General Questions Moderator

Regular admission to the matinees of 2D “Avatar” is $7.75 until 5 PM then everything goes to $9.75 with the exception of 3D “Avatar” which is $10.75 matinee. Not sure if it increases after 5 PM but have heard rumors of $14. We have only the one cinema up here in Fairbanks, Regal Cinema, though it has 16 theaters in it. It’s not Imax-equipped but at least we now have 3D (and just in time for “Alice in Wonderland”).

Capice. Still figuring out my way around the various threads and your direction helps.

As to Sarah achieving POTUS…were she to do so what makes you think there will be a Union left from which to secede? Likely, she’d immediately declare war on Canada and all the states that went for Obama in '08.

The polarization isn’t so much the issue as whether they offer any UV protection or not. As far as I can tell they do not, so you would not want to wear them as sunglasses. I have heard that wearing sunglasses without UV protection is actually worse for your eyes than no sunglasses at all.