Pearls of insight on assessment test essays

Every year, a crack team of learned experts representing some of the finest literary minds in our society gathers together in a secret location (hint, it lies deep within a recently active volcano) to carry out the critical task of grading America’s standardized tests. A brief report from such activity is fortunately available to the rarified IQ’s of the Dope in this thread:

Never mind that the external validity of such examinations is atrocious, the inter-rater reliability is appallingly bad, that simply writing longer essays as opposed to better essays is the practical equivalent of giving out quid pro quo blow-jobs to the examiners, or that a lot of the examples provided in this thread just aren’t that bad. But trust the OP, she’ll happily exclaim that you’d understand how bad they sucked if only you’d sit down and read the whole essay and face the trauma of run-on sentences face-to-face.

Pray tell, share the horrid literary abuses which shining academic minds such as yourself have had to endure at the hands of the vile masses taking this test. We’ll certainly delight in your gleeful exhibition of the wanton stupidity on display here; your lurid descriptions of the red ink flowing freely across these shitty essays will titillate us and we’ll be strangely aroused by your harsh evaluations as your superior intellect smashes into these lesser minds like the wheels of a Buick crushing the skull of a wayward squirrel dashing across the road.

Alternatively, community-college English instructors could just get the fuck over themselves about the decline of this generations’ grasp of the English language, how the essays turned in by her current students are such utter crap compared with decades past back when an associates in hospitality management from Lakeland Community College really meant something, blah, blah, blah.

In this economy, you’re fortunate to have a job that pays real money to produce evaluations of such uncertain value. Personally, I’d try to lay low on this fact to keep the standardized tests with long-form writing examples coming.

Too easy.

Anyway, this is pretty lame. She makes pretty clear that this is simply some harmless fun, not a serious lament about the decline of western civilization. She even says, right there in the OP:

The OP is like a pitcher throwing a fastball past the shortstop.

People try to speak of us in a pejorative and negative context

Talkin’ bout my Generation!

Simply because we are mobile, footloose, and prone to restlessness

Talkin’ bout my Generation…

I disagree. I don’t think she laments for the decline of western civilization, but in most threads it’s pretty clear she’s making fun of these people.

She’s been doing this now for close to 3 years. I’d have no problem if threads like this crept up every year or so with a quote or two paraphrased from memory, but to me it’s obvious she’s jotting the so called gems down as she reads them and saving them to share. It’s pathetic and I’m glad someone finally said something.

I also find it funny that her thread titles are bastardized english. You can take a placement test or a skill assessment, but to take an assessment test would be like having a competition match.

Cry me a fucking river. I never said she wasn’t making fun; my point was that the fun she is making is pretty harmless, especially since both she and her students are completely anonymous.

Why is it pathetic?

Have you ever graded dozens or hundreds of papers, one after the other? It can be a pretty tedious task, at best, and at times a rather depressing one. Sometimes these sorts of silly grammatical errors or funny turns of phrase really help to break the monotony, and give a bit of a chuckle in an otherwise rather mundane task.

I have a small selection of similar stuff that i’ve copied down from student essays in the past. While i’ve never shared them here in the same way, i keep them because they’re funny and, at least in the case of actual errors of grammar and usage, they often serve as useful examples when i’m trying to illustrate writing problems for my students.

Hell, mistakes like this don’t even necessarily come from poor students. One of my better students last year, in an essay discussing the effects of New World silver on the European economy in the 16th century, wrote:

Clearly he meant bullion. It was a simple error that made the sentence funny; it didn’t affect how i thought of him as a student, and he did perfectly fine in the course. And he was pretty good-humored about it when i brought it up in class (without, of course, violating his privacy by mentioning his name to the other students).

If it’s been bugging you so much for all that time, why didn’t you do it? Waiting for a bandwagon to jump on?

Of course she is making fun of people. (Or maybe, perhaps, she is passing on the raw material - since she provides them pretty much without comment on each individual phrase). This is the Straight Dope. We make fun of people for our entertainment. Its a subclause under “fighting ignorance.”

You know she does it regularly, don’t open the threads if you find them offensive. Its really that simple.

BTW, thanks. I love those threads and sometimes miss them…

As a teacher, I spend much of my time NOT making fun of people who desperately need it… but since I don’t know how vulnerable they’d be to my Lightning Barbs of Insight, I control myself.

So I NEED to make fun of people in my spare time.

If only there was a message board… somewhere…

Or in junior essay terms: Writing bad stuff about things that are bad, like stuff that effects you with negative affects.


I don’t know whether :smiley: or :rolleyes: is more appropriate.
I’m not even sure what there was to complain about in the first place.

Yes, it is a standardized writing test. There has to be some kind of placement tool, and this is the one we use.

I never said these were all bad. Some are quite nicely written.

As for the bad ones, there is no harm done to anyone. The students never see the tests again; they see only the numerical score and the placement given. I keep no names on file. Yes, I do share them with a lot of folks, 99.9% of whom are happy to receive them so they can pass them on to others and have a laugh.
My fellow readers and I can’t help laughing sometimes during the readings. Since we’re in a private room and the test-takers are long gone from the testing room, nobody else knows why we’re laughing. No hurt feelings abound.

That said, if the “gem” threads are so offensive, they don’t have to be opened and read.

Apparently, you’ve got an axe to grind, but what the hell does this have to do with the thread you linked to?

But isn’t that what I said, kind of, you know what I mean? Hey. Whatever.

One has to wonder, also, why it’s okay for books like Anguished English and Non Campus Mentis to exist, but somehow a thread containing the same kind of material isn’t okay.

Google “student bloopers” and you’ll find over 160,000 results. Apparently, I’m not alone.

Oooh, I’d missed that there was a new “assessment test gems” thread! I love those threads!

Likewise; they always make me giggle!

I have a theory that threemae has recognized his own work in that thread…

Bring on the scorn, I say. Trashing other people’s writing is a traditional amongst all who wield a pen. I send these to my daughter who is in college and we share a hearty laugh over them. We also point and mock our own mistakes and bloopers. If you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it. Seems simple enough.

Urrgh. Passive voice.

I’ll cop to that. Don’t open and read the gem threads.

I will also be sure not to include the redundant words “assessment” and “test” together in the thread title next time–and there WILL be a next time, since there are many more scoring sessions coming up and since the majority enjoy having some fun. I will certainly issue a full disclaimer in upcoming threads as well, letting people know that if they find anything offensive about these bloopers, they are more than welcome to find another thread to read.