God even loves ________ !

I saw this on a church sign a few weeks ago and I’m still wondering if most people would consider it offensive or not. While I wasn’t personally offended (though I am ________), I did see the potential for upset and wondered WTF the person who decided to put that there was thinking.

I’ll post what ________ is a little later.

I’m bettin’ it was either “Atheists” or “Homosexuals”, with my money on “Atheists”. What do I win?

It would have been hi-larious if “______” had been “Hitler”, but I’d be surprised if they took their idea that far. Oh, and you’re probably not Hitler.

I bet the word was “you”, although I voted offended just in case it was “atheists”. :slight_smile:

You’re both wrong, but Dung Beetle I actually thought somebody might guess that. :slight_smile:

I should have mentioned in the OP that ______ is something you would find in the small print of an EOE ad (race, creed, national origin, etc.), not something completely silly like “kittens”.

The only thing they could have said that would not be potentially offensive is “us” or “Christians”. I suppose those were not the answer, though.

Is the _____________ , “those in interspecies relationships.”?

The word “even” implies a lower class, caste, or something at least the church deems bad.



No, no one could be deluded enough to believe that.

…Your mom?

The Yankees?



I am not a telemarketer! :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have voted not offensive regardless, but I suppose I could have been an ethnic slur :stuck_out_tongue:

The unwritten second half of “God even loves _____” is “although they don’t deserve it.”

If it’s clearly a joke (Yankees fans, preachers, texters, etc.) I’d say it’s a mild rib, and not offensive.

If it appears it could reasonably be taken seriously, and _____ are a group who feel no shame being _____ (Muslims, atheists, homosexuals, etc.), then I’d say it’s a slam on them and the sign is offensive and just begging to cause trouble.

If ____ are a nondescript group whose flaws are universally recognized (e.g. sinners or jerks), then I don’t see it as offensive. I’d put it in the same category as the bumper sticker that says “Jesus loves you, but everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.” A little grating, but theologically sound.

God even loves Pot Noodles?

God even loves… sitting next to a fat person on a long flight.


I have no clue but I’m not easily offended by other people’s religious stuff as long as I don’t have to believe it.

God even loves Republicans!

God even loves… timeshare salespeople who harrass him while he is on holiday.

I think there are certainly many options where this would not be offensive, I doubt anyone here would be offended by “God Even Loves Brussel Sprouts” So I voted for the “It Depends” option. However, if, as you say, we are talking about race, creed, or national origin, I would think most, if not all options would be, at the very least, in poor taste.

Atheists was my first guess, but I guess I was wrong.

No He doesn’t.