Suggest Some Conspiracy Theory Documentaries

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I lovessssss me a good conspiracy theory.

I am the type that gets all sucked in right away. I am riveted with my eyes all big and I say, “This all sounds so logical! Why, it must be something to this!” And then, as soon as I’m done watching it, I do the teensiest bit of research online and find all kinds of great resources for debunking the whole lot of what I just watched. I like the debunking part even more than the conspiracy part.

So, please suggest some good ones for me. I would prefer it if they are available online, free, for viewing, but I am certainly not above going to Block Buster to pick up a good Conspiracy documentary.

I love all kinds, Illuminati, Freemasonry, Mind Control in the food, whatever. My fave of all time was Zeitgeist.

So, please…throw me some suggestions.

I feel like Netflix instant queue has a ton of 9/11 documentaries right now that are in this category.

Waco: The Rules of Engagement is powerful and compelling stuff, but how much you buy and how much you don’t will certainly be YMMV.

Yes! Thanks ArchiveGuy. I found it on YouTube.

Push You Down, I love 9/11 stuff. I’ve seen an awful lot, but I could certainly go for some more. I’m not on the Netflix wagon yet, though.