Green Lantern trailer


I’m not that familar with the comic (I prefer my comic books in movie form), but I like Reynolds and it looks, um, energetic. What do you guys think?

Could go either way. The edits are a bit too quick for my taste and, sometimes, that means that a preview can’t stand on anything other than ultra-short soundbytes. Time will tell.

Was that Kryten who gave him the ring?

Looks… weird. Maybe too weird.

I don’t know thing one about Green Lantern, or really anything about any superheroes beyond the main four (Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, and Wonder Woman) so something that is this bizarre doesn’t really appeal.

The film is being directed by Martin Campbell, who made the best two James Bond films of at least the past 20 years (*Goldeneye *and Casino Royale). So he knows his way around an action sequence.

Fair enough, Royale was pretty badass.* Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…* I’m still not sold. Ip Man has some of the most awesome action sequences I’ve ever seen, but I’m also glad that I netflix’d it instead of seeing it at the theatre somewhere. I guess whether or not I see it will depend on how well they’ve used 3D and how well the movie as a whole hangs together while Greenie isn’t cutting people in half with gigantic scissors, or what have you.

Was cool to see the trailer though and I’ve forwarded it to my wife.

Wow the trailer looks really shitty. It’s like anything that might look ridiculous to a non-Green Lantern fan has been underlined in it, whether it’s Abin Sur (the dying Aline that gives the ring to Reynolds), the Lantern effects, and clearly way too much time wasted trying to establish the character before he gets the ring. Sorry, but GL is a DC character not a Marvel one, he’s an icon, who he was before he became GL is irrelevant.
Too bad, Martin Campbell, though not an auteur, has proven several times that he can really handle well action movies or Hollywood blockbusters, and Green Lantern is a fantastic character concept (basically the whole Jedi thing is heavily based on the Lanterns). Looks like it gonna suck, who cares about 3D if the movie isnt good in the first place?

Bit pissed off here.

The trailer had a real Will Ferrel feel to it. That does not bode well.

I disagree. The reason any superhero is interesting, and especially stays interesting, is because of who they are under the costume.

The thing I kept thinking, as I watched the trailer, was “I don’t remember Hal Jordan being a screw-up.” Was I just reading in the wrong era? The one I remember was chosen because he was fearless. This guy is saying “that’s not me.”

We’ll see. GL is the franchise that absolutely requires that the CG is right. Hard to tell from the trailer whether they got it or not.

If you look at the best superhero movies of the past few years (Iron Man, Dark Knight, etc.), you’ll see that the protagonists spent more time out of costume than in.

Looks like a spoof, and a semi-funny one. Is Kato the guy from the Star Trek remake?

Gold standard superhero movie trailer

That’s Green Hornet.

:: Whoosh! ::

2 things:

  1. It looks bad.

  2. Isn’t Hal Jordan black?

What is this exactly?

Actually the whole Jedi thing is heavily based on Buddhist monks and Samurai, but that’s a different argument.

I loves me some Green Lantern and am very excited for the movie. I think the trailer kind of gives off an Iron Man vibe, and I thought the first IM movie was great.

Yes, Hal Jordan is chosen because he’s fearless, but that doesn’t me he doesn’t have any self doubt.

I don’t know jack about comic books, but I do know that GL was loosely based off of the EE “Doc” Smith Lensman series, so I have a soft spot in my heart for it. I loved those books when I was a young’un.

yes, yes, run along now, dear.

So? You fill in the backstory as needed. Burton’s Batman is an example of how it should be done. Start with Jordon getting the ring and fill in from there (the concept does have the potential to fall into Greatest American Hero territory).

Opening scene: Hal Jordan is doing a test flight, pushing the plane’s limits. People in the control room try to stop him, saying, “that man is completely without fear” (an important point in the original GL). After a couple of minutes of this, the plane crashes and he gets the ring. He doesn’t use it at first, but you sketch out his character in his interactions with others. That’s when you learn who he is.

Seeing the trailer gives me no real feel for the character. I also find it difficult to believe that a test pilot wears casual clothes. Also that line reading by (I assume) Carol Ferris at about :19 (“That test today is important”) is one of the worst I’ve heard this side of high school acting (and the way she stands makes her look like she’s never been in front of a camera before). They could have cast it far better.