No South Park, Human Centipad, season premiere thread yet?

I can sort of see why. I really felt this episode was a little off. I’ve seen how long Apple agreements can be, (don’t read them either); I also saw ‘The Human Centipede’, (the movie they were referencing). I don’t think Matt or Trey made a good effort to link the two things. Butters would have been a better candidate than Kyle. Cartman getting hit by lightning came out of left-field.

Come on, the geniuses were fantastic! The quickening… RAAAAAAAH.

Heh. :slight_smile:

But I also pretty much agree with you.

I’m an Apple fanboy (even worked behind the Genius Bar for a spell as sort of a Jr. Genius) and I enjoyed it well enough, but they’ve obviously had better episodes. I almost feel like Parker & Stone were drunk one night and said “Human CentiPad” and just ran with it. There’s a lot of humor to be mined in Apple, its products and the public’s fascination with them (and the recent uproar over location tracking). There’s also certainly a way for the South Park writers to parody The Human Centipede. But this just seemed forced - usually each episode has an internal logic that makes some sense, but this I just didn’t get.

However, the “cuttlefish and asparagus vs. vanilla paste” bit was hilarious.

I felt it was overall a poor episode. There were still some funny parts, but a lot of the humor derived from the sheer WTF-ness of the concept and their usual juvenile humor. It really didn’t feel much like a South Park episode because it didn’t have the typical intellectual and/or social commentary bit in there.

The whole Cartman side plot felt off. When has his mother ever stood up to him like that, and they’d done the whole talk-show thing several times before, so it just felt rehashed and predictable.

What-evah! I do what I want!

Switch out the content of the quotes, and this is my impression of most all South Park episodes.

They screwed up the replacement son joke. Gerald should have complained about how this replacement wasn’t his son, didn’t have his son’s memories or emotions, and the Genius people would have said “its not our fault if you turned off autosync on your son. The agreement you signed released Apple’s liability in losing your original son’s data”

Hmm, maybe that joke was too long.

The episode needed more ripping on Apple & Jobs.

I disagree. Soon as he switched from his mom to God, I was all “you know what this needs? a lightning bolt” and then there it was.

I agree it was odd that Cartman’s mom had a spine, but it was ok, because I loved all of Cartman’s, “I like to get [blanked] before I get FUCKED!”

But almost everything else wasn’t too funny…oh, ok, a guy with a bad Asian acent shiting in Kyle’s mouth…hilarious…

I did enjoy the Genius Bar stuff, though.

Sort of; it seemed to me that they did want to make a point about the fact that, with social networks and us all being so “plugged in” these days (the iPad and the like making it easier than ever), that we are all much like the Human Centipede from the movie. Everyone’s consuming all the shit that everyone else is putting out, and we are all connected. But they didn’t get that across very well, instead making a bunch of “read the user agreement” jokes.

Yeah, the Cartman plot was lame. The “cuttlefish and asparagus” was the best gag of the show.

There was a bit of logic. When Steve Jobs was mapping out his process, with everyone interconnected so they should share shit I laughed pretty hard at how that then became three people sewn ass to mouth, with an iphone at one end and an ipad at the other.

That on it’s own was a great joke, but not strong enough to carry 22min.

Although I have to admit I laughed pretty hard when they presented that guy with a burrito.

I’m sure most of this seemed funny on the story board wall, but watching Kyle in the middle like that wasn’t cool.

“That cutterfish is not sitting werr!!” hehehe

Maybe I was in a salty mood, but this struck me as one of the worst SP episodes ever. Just crass, juvenile shit humor. No redeemable qualities. Nothing cutesy. No clever lines or references. Just a nasty caricature.

I’ll be forever baffled by the “hurr Mexican food = diarrhea” trope. Mexican water, OK, but a burrito is just meat, a corn shell, and maybe some cheese or whatever. Pretty basic. If that gives someone the runs they have a problem.

Seriously? (Comic Book Guy Mode on) Yeah, and it takes more than two seconds for food to pass through a human being’s digestive system, South Park writers. (Comic Book Guy Mode off)

Honestly, I thought they pulled a lot of punches when it came to Apple and Steve Jobs. The SP guys are the ones who had Christopher Freakin’ Reeves eating fetuses, and this lackluster effort was all they could muster up for Apple? Talk about losing your touch.

You are forgetting the beans! :slight_smile:

People think of beans and automatically think about flatulence and increased bowel movements. And heck, Mexican style re-fried beans look kind of like diarrhea. This is my theory.

Somebody’s never eaten at Taco Bell.

I can get behind this, and I think, if they were trying to make a social comment, that’s probably what they were trying to get across. It was poorly executed and they didn’t really get that across at all. Instead, it just came across as a reason to make some juvenile jokes (of which at least the cuttlefish one was still quite funny), and Carman getting the first one at the end just seemed more like a comment on everyone being amazed by Apple products, even if it’s just worthless crap like that.

I think it’s mostly about the spiciness. Spicy food causes heartburn and digestive problems for a lot of people, though I’m sure the beans do contribute to it too, along with the generally perceived poor quality, as I never hear these sorts of jokes about Thai food.

There were funny moments, especially the Genius Bar people. :smiley:

But how, how on EARTH could they forget to include Sheila Broflovsky, Kyle’s Mom, in this episode?

So many opportunities for “what, what, what, WHAT??!!!?”

Maybe it’s because I haven’t watched South Park for a few seasons, 'cause I thought it was hilarious. God, the visual (and audio) image of the human Centipad while the burrito passed though has still got me laughing.

It’s the perfect way for people to share their shit!

I can’t even read Engrish!!

Damn it, why won’t it read?!?!?!