Have you ever taken photos of your genitals and sent them to someone else?

In light of the Weiner episode, I was just wondering how common this is. I suspect more common than most would admit.

Anonymous poll to follow.

Ah, no. Never would have even considered that this would be a good idea.

Are we talking about a photo of just the genitals, or would it count if you sent a full photo of yourself in which the genitals were also visible? Sub-question, do breasts count as genitals for the purpose of this question?

I am asking for a friend who wants to know, of course.

I guess I’m kind of a fuddy-duddy, but,


I’m male, I have sent pics a few times, and have received pics from 4 or 5 different women in the last 10 years.

If you have to ask, you’re doing it wrong

Any picture which includes the genitals counts. Female breasts? Depends. I would have to see the pictures to make that call.

My “friend” says, nice try.

Oh lordy yes. There was this girl I had the biggest crush on and I knew I needed to do something spectacular to get her attention. Took me a long time to get up the nerve. I had never done anything like this before. Eventually with lots of vodka and pain killers I got it done. It did make quite the impression.


What about posing for pictures where nutsack was unintentionally visible, then the photographer sent the prints to your house, but due to a post office foul up the envelope containing the photos was forwarded to your grandparents’ house?

If that counts, then I guess…my friend…counts.

I am still wondering why you ever thought it could be a good move. I’d be as likely to score a girl by sending her photos of my anus than I would sending her photos of my junk.
Unless you’ve got the most beautiful dick in the world (and I would need some cites or pics to back that up), how could that plan ever work?

No, and I would not consider doing so. I have never taken photos/had photos taken in any state of undress, for any purpose.

It’s a very popular activity for both men and women, and boys and girls, judging by the people I know anyway.

Yes, I have. I have gotten positive feedback and nude photos in response.

I hope that it was done the refined, dignified way, with Ketel One and Oxycontin rather than the trailer-trash method, using Popov and generic Tylenol 3.

I have never taken pictures of my girlie bits, period. Not even breasticles.

I wouldn’t judge a person who did, however. It’s just not my cup of tea.

I have taken pictures of my genitals, but never sent or shown them to anyone else.

I used to, but my digital microscope broke.

Weiner is my age. I cannot imagine anyone my age thinking that this could lead to anything other than what it led to.

Fuck no. I’m a guy. Why any guy would think sending a woman a picture of his junk is a good idea is beyond me.

Also, I think a reasonable distinction can be made between distributing such images to people with whom one has already established a sexual relationship, and to people one has not actually met.