Doug Hutchison, 51, marries 16 year old "country singer"

Hutchison’s biggest role in film was probably the craven sadistic Percy Wetmore in The Green Mile. His wife is 16, proud of her boobs, and an aspiring country singer and actress he wed with her parents’ consent.

Anderson Cooper had a bitchy field daywith the story following, perhaps not coincidentally, a segment on Obama’s evolving and devolving views on gay marriage.

So, do you think this is true love, just sleazy, or a well planned publicity stunt to give a second wind to Hutchison’s career and jump-start the bride’s?

Well, I checked them out (GIS) and I don’t blame her one bit.

That guy is my hero.

Ew. Just ew.

I count 3 states were the marriage would not be legal regardless of parental consent. But, even those three states would legally recognize the marriage in honor of the laws of the State of Nevada. Thank god for heterosexuality!!!

There is no way in hell that girl is 16. She says on her website that she competed in the 2010 Miss USA pageant for Washington State, which requires you to be at least 18 years of age but under 27 years of age.

I call bullshit, she’s either lying about her age or she is lying about the pageant appearance. Since she links to a video of her competing in the pageant (with much smaller boobs) I say she is lying about her age. Plus, she looks awfully weathered for a girl of 16.

Good for him. She’s smokin’.

Here’s a link to a video of one of her “country” songs: - YouTube the others can be found in the “related videos.”

Is it immoral to be attracted to a 16-year-old if she looks like an older woman who has had too much plastic surgery?

What’s the problem?

/S/ Hugh Hefner
/S/ Woody Allen

An article on the ABC News website says that she competed for (i.e., didn’t win) the Miss Teen Washington USA title.

That’s the guy who played Tooms on the X-Files!

No way is that grown-ass woman 16.

Man, neither of them looks their age - they BOTH look like they’re in their 30s…

My last girlfriend was 24 and looked younger than that girl.

I did write that incorrectly, sorry. She competed for Miss Washington Teen USA as Miss Teen Ocean Shores, WA. Youtube Link. On her personal website she says it is the “Donald Trumps Miss USA 2009 Pageant” so I inferred it was the Miss USA pageant and not the Miss TEEN USA Pageant.

However, I stand by my assertion that she is not 16 years old. Miss Teen USA requires contestants to be between 14 and 19, so she could be anywhere from 16 to 21 now. I think she is closer to 21 than 16.

Agreed. When I was 16, most girls didn’t even know how to walk in high heels, much less balance a load like that.

And this is why, if you lie about your age, you should always lie up. Say she’s 25. She already looks rough for a 25-year-old – she looks terrible for a 16-year-old. But if she lies and says she’s 45, then suddenly she seems to look pretty good.

She looks (and sounds) like my niece did at 16. Almost identical. Her’s are real too. I think she’s just wearing a lot of make-up and it tends to make you look harsh. Especially the over-arched brows and over-lined lips. There were a few photos on her site gallery where she’s wearing less make-up and looks younger. She’s also had her lips done, in my opinion badly. Duck lips.

Damn they must be big if you need a Geographic Information System to look at em.

Grand Tetons indeedy.

That would explain the weathering, yes.

She looks like she was 16 about 16 years ago.