Spelling of the erstwhile Libyan Leaders name

25 years ago Cecil attempted to explain one of the mysteries of our time; how to spell. Gadhafi /Qaddafhi/ Khadaffis name.

Now as his passport has beendiscovered, should’nt that controversy end?

He spells it Gathafi

Ok, I managed to get the title screwed up. Please mods fix!

I don’t know that he was consistent in the transliteration.

It was spelled “Khadafy” by the *Chicago Tribune *and other newspapers until 1986, when the Libyan leader wrote a letter to a third-grade class in suburban Chicago, and signed his name in Roman characters as “Moammar El-Gadhafi.” The story was covered in the Tribune on May 22, 1986, and an accompanying sidebar explained that the the paper, now having evidence of the man’s own preference for transliteration, would begin using “Gadhafi.”

[quote=“AK84, post:1, topic:594189”]

25 years ago Cecil attempted to explain one of the mysteries of our time; how to spell. Gadhafi /Qaddafhi/ Khadaffis name.

His name is now spelled “M–U–D”.