What is wrong with Huntsman?

I don’t understand why he has so little support among republicans in USA. He is presidential looking. From wikipedia: “During his tenure, Huntsman cut taxes by more than $400 million—the largest tax cut in the state’s history—while still maintaining a budget surplus.” He seems to have quite mainstream republican viewpoints.

He’s much too sane and reasonable.

He’s too moderate for the Bachmann/Palin crowd, too Mormon for the Perry crowd, too much like Romney for the Romney crowd and too associated with Obama for anyone left over in the GOP.

He’s too much like a blue dog Democrat.

He said something complimentary about Obama once.

He believes in science.

He tweeted something about believing scientists about scientific subjects. That’s the kiss of death; the Bible is the GOP’s science textbook.

In summary: he actually has a shred of sanity left rattling around upstairs.

The funny thing is he’s not really moderate at all. I’d argue he’s probably more conservative than GWB. His tax reform plan is easily the most extreme one yet released (except for whatever Cain was rambling on about at the debate… 9/9/9, eh?) And, yet, he’s too moderate for this particular primary… it’s really quite amazing.

I think it’s that while he has a very conservative politics, his demeanor is one of moderation. That is, his politics may appeal to the GOP base, but he doesn’t get the same visceral reaction that Perry or Bachmann (or Palin to the extreme) get.

I see some clear-minded unbigoted fellows here.

He’s not a celebrity, and is not either flashy enough or a “regular folk” enough.

No just people telling the truth.

Moderate would be too much to ask for, not insane is already quite an accomplishment.

Oh, gee, we’re sorry: are there other major GOP candidates who don’t think the world was created by a bearded old man 6,000 years ago? Our Bad then.

I think who he is puts him at odds with regular Americans


You hit the nail on the head. I would certainly prefer someone with a platform far to my right than an unreasonable person. We can’t know for sure whether single-payer heath care will work better (I happen to think it would) or that borrowing and spending is the way to weather a recession. The opposite of my opinion is still a perfectly valid and reasonable opinion for policy questions like that. His problem is that although his platform aligns neatly with much of the right, ideologically he just doesn’t mesh with them. A bleeding heart liberal whose entitlement handouts would make Roosevelt blush would get more votes from Republicans in this climate if he strongly opposed abortion, publicly doubted science in general, announced he believes the world is less than 7k years old, and declared his intent to invade Iran than someone like Huntsman, who is firmly on the right regarding policy, but sane.

Dang! You Win. Asking for rights to share your response! :slight_smile:

This simply goes to show more of your stereotypical thinking-as absurd as images of all Irishmen as drunks or all Italians as mobsters. First of all very few Republican candidates have been directly questioned on their views on evolution and contrary to what may some think Bush endorsed evolution. Secondly even if they are non-evolutionary creationists they can just as easily be Old Earth Creationists.


and wrong