Is google translate sexist?

Put the following sentence into google translate:
**Men are men and men should clean the kitchen **

Translate it into German:
Männer sind Männer und Frauen sollten die Küche sauber

While it’s grammatically correct, for some reason, Google thinks that women should clean the kitchen.


Hmm… maybe just German is sexist? It doesn’t do that when translating the same sentence to French. :smiley:

For some reason it seems to wants to translate the sentence fragment “men and men” into “men and women”. If you replace the “and” in your sentence with a period the translation becomes correct.

Google translate doesn’t work word-by-word; if you want that, try Babelfish.

Translate tries to identify whole sentences or sentence fragments; it’s programmed to propose the most-frequent fragment among several possible ones. Apparently its German memory has a lot more instances of “women should clean the kitchen” than of “men should clean the kitchen”. This seems to say more about German texts than about Translate.

Nope. It is specifically the fragment “men and men” that is tripping it up. If you type in “Men should clean the kitchen” by itself, you get “Männer sollten sauber die Küche”.

ETA: OK, it may be a little of both. “Men and men” translates to “Maenner and Frauen”. “Men are men and men have dicks” translates to “Männer sind Männer und Männer haben Schwänze”

Google Translate isn’t just sexist, it’s wholly polluted. The result of too much crowdsourcing + algorithms.


It translates metres in some Euro languages into feet in English. I can’t even begin to say how stupid that is, on many different levels.

It often translates names into their equivalents. E.g. “Massimo” gets translated to “Max”. This is retarded beyond all measure. Proper nouns should be immutable unless there’s a historical precedent for alteration (Peking/Beijing, Germany/Deutschland). But it’s more stupid than that, because it’s inconsistent - it only does it about 20% of the time.

It’s a great idea that’s gone wrong.

As long as the kitchen gets cleaned, does it really matter?

One problem is that your sentence isn’t grammatically correct, ether. You’re missing a comma. When I plug in, “Men are men, and men should clean the kitchen,” I get:

Stop it! You’re messing up a good thing. I liked the first translation much better and was going to show it to my wife tonight.

And…the translation into German isn’t grammatically correct either… It’s missing a verb. A grammatical translation would have been:
Männer sind Männer und Männer sollten die Küche sauber machen.

German tends to befuddle Google translate pretty thoroughly, in my (limited) experience. I think it’s a nice tool if you use it correctly (have a decent grasp of both languages and are looking for translation options), but it’s not going to magically get you a perfect translation of anything mildly complicated.

Huh. Seems to have been fixed now.

Heh. Translating that back, it’s “…men should be cleaned in the kitchen” :smiley: