Poll: How old are you?

Just curious. I have a theory about IMHO age distribution, but I won’t discuss it until later when some results are in.

37 this year

35 in March.

Over 25 but under 26.

If you turn 26 tomorrow, you’re still 25.

  1. Where have the years gone?

Trust me: it gets worse. :wink:

Just turned 42 yesterday. Amazing how the OP made the cutoff between two choices at 41-42.

:smack: 47 in May - Oh God :smack:


44 and counting


Gotta love that nice bell curve.

44, btw.

Just hit 39 laps around the sun yesterday, and boy are my arms tired.

I’m 46.

Previous poll on the same subject, from March of 2010:


I thought it was interesting that 42-49, followed by 50-57 (so far) is the most common age range, since I would expect to see more younger people, given that they grew up with the Internet and all.

Me, too. But I just noticed that there are a lot more views than poll respondents. I’m sure there are a few repeat viewers, but some people aren’t participating. Makes me wonder how skewed the poll may be.

82 YO last b’day, and still having a lot of fun. Not growing old is a lot worse than going ahead and going with the flow!

I must say that I am tickled being included in the same age group as 26 year olds (I’m 33).

Previous poll on the same subject, from June 2011:

I’m 50.