Complete this sentence: "He folded like a cheap..."

When I hear “He folded like a cheap…” I usually think of “suit”, but today I ran across an unfamiliar version: “He folded like a cheap tent”. When I googled the phrase “He folded like a cheap” to see what other variations were out there, I found an unexpected assortment of endings. The selections in the poll were all versions I found on Google. Even “poop bag”.

Multiple choice poll to follow. Choose any you have heard.


Lawn chair

I had to vote concertina.

But I think it’s “cheap suit”.

I’ve always said “lawn chair”, but will now and forever use “hooker”.

Card table, is the one I’ve always heard.

Lawn chair, though I’ve occasionally heard suit as well.

“He folded like a cheap suit,” is the only one I’ve ever heard.

Wet Newspaper

Piece of shit?

I couldn’t help going with “hooker.”

Lawn chair.

It’s not on the poll, but I like “He folded like Superman on laundry day.”

Did you watch Mike and Mike yesterday? I heard “cheap tent” there, too, and I thought it was strange.

Back in my conservative ‘Rush Limbaugh’ days there was another radio host Bob Grant that would use the phrase folded like a cheap camera, so that’s what I got stuck with.

Though I never really understood the context of it, does a cheap camera fold differently of at all, and how does a cheap suit fold differently then a expensive one? Not really important in the grand scheam of things I guess.

Suit, lawn chair, and card table, I’ve heard and used… Tent makes sense. Most of the others, I can’t even wrap my head around the metaphor. O_o

I’ve heard tent most often, followed by suit and lawn chair.

I would like to know where to buy these cheap folding cigars.

Card table. Which is great because it’s got a double meaning - cheap card tables fold, sure - but so does a table of cheap card players.

Folded like a cheap suit is the most common one I’ve heard. But the other day I heard folded like a cheap lunch bag, which had me laughing.