Does nicotine gum produce an enjoyable buzz for non-smokers?

I’m shopping for a new vice - smoking is inconvenient (can’t do it indoors), but nicotine is an interesting drug. Can one get a decent buzz from nicotine gum? Yes, I know that nicotine is addictive - but then, that’s mainly a problem because smoking tobacco is bad for you. If I’m not smoking, is nicotine itself that dangerous, short of overdose?

This is “friend of a friend” but I have heard that the nicotine in even the weakest of those gums can cause a nonsmoker’s heart to race and generally isn’t a good idea. I guess it would be like a teetotaler suddenly drinking 10 shots of vodka.

I chewed a piece and didn’t get any enjoyable effect from it. It made my throat feel kind of hot, that was all.

I chewed a couple of pieces when my buddy was trying to quit smoking. The physical effects for me was exactly the same as chewing tobacco. A nice little buzz followed by a little bit of an upset stomach. At the time I hadn’t dipped tobacco in a few years and had never done enough to build an addiction or tolerance to it. Once you build a tolerance up you will lose the nice little buzz though.

You are shopping for a new vice? Start playing video games.

Nicotine addiction is a drag (so to speak) and the gum is as expensive as all hell.

You’ll definitely get hooked on the stuff and sooner or later you are going to ask yourself what the hell you got yourself into.

I used to work with a woman who had never smoked but habitually chewed nicotine gum. She seemed to get a little kick from it. I’m a smoker, so I dont know how it would affect a nonsmoker from direct experience, though. But she seemed to like it.

My understanding is that nicotine has almost no positive effect - it’s simply the addictive component. That is, nicotine gives you no rush or good feeling at all, but causes withdrawal, which feels good to fix.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if Mr. Excellent took to chewing nicotine gum, became addicted to it, and then had to take up smoking to get off it?

The gum is supposed to be chewed for a short while, releasing nicotine, then “parked” for a while while the nicotine is absorbed. A nonsmoker may find the ritual strange, and just chew. I would guess that a nonsmoker would end up with a headrush, some heartburn, and the hiccups. (No minor hiccups, either…) And possibly physically nauseated. I’m on the gum, by the way.

I don’t recommend it. It’s supposed to be a way for smokers to stop Cigarette addiction.

Many people who start taking drugs, regret it. So I suggest you really think before you go out and get addicted to any kind of drug.

You aren’t supposed to chew it like regular gum, you bite it a few times to break the outer coating then tuck it in your cheek next to your gums to absorb the nicotine. If you chew it constantly you are going to get nausea and major burps LOL

I think the tone of the OP suggests he is ok with, and has experience with, taking drugs. So you are kinda wasting your time preaching against the dangers of drugs :wink:

OP, how about psychedelic truffles? I hear they are popular in Amsterdam

Try an electronic cigarette instead.

Probably a better idea. But yeah , people can get a little buzz off those things. it is addictive though, which means that like it or not, you’ll find reasons to do it again again soon enough.

I chew the shit all day, at first it gave me a little something. Now I’m not so sure.

No, in my experience. I don’t use tobacco, but I have smoked a cigarette on rare occasions. There is a real buzz to be had at least for non-smokers from even a puff of two. Very enjoyable and noticeable buzz. Ive also chewed a 4 mg nicorette gum when trying to keep awak a couple of times. No buzz at all. About fifteen minutes later I felt the nervous system go into overdrive, but that really nice buzz that one gets from smoking was nowhere to be found.

I used the gum to get off dip, which worked pretty well actually. I got a little of the nicotine buzz that I used to get from tobacco products but it just wasn’t worth it. For the most part I was using it to NOT have the bad cravings that one has from nicotine. Nick is fun at first but soon you find that he has dug a hole you have to fill up every single day or you feel bad.