Help Me Decipher This. Australian Brush Turkey Sex Determination

I read this in Wikipedia, but don’t get what it means.

Can some science guy/gal help me out.

From Wikipedia - Australian Bush Turkey:

What? Are they killing the embryos of the sex they don’t want?

From Wikipedia -TSD:

It is saying that in reptiles, the sex ratio of the embryos changes depending on the incubation temperatutre. In other words, depending on the temperture, more or less embryos of a particular sex are produced. In the birds, the temperature does not skew the sex ratio, it skews the ratio of embryos that survive and those those don’t.

I concur.

Hey I think I just set a new record for the most different misspellings of one particular word in a single post.

It’s not a “they” that’s killing the embryonic chicks; it’s just the temperature. When the temperatures are too extreme one way, lots of boy chicks die, and when it’s too extreme the other way, lots of girl chicks die.
