Soleless Atheists vs. the USPS

Atheist, a German shoe company, was getting complaints from some of their U.S. customers about lengthy delivery times. So they did a little experiment…

This is why atheists have no soles. The post office is stealing them!

That’s…not good. Not surprising, unfortunately.

I’m sure someone will be along shortly to defend the USPS and point out the obvious flaws in this pilot study.

Oh, damn. I meant to include the link to the NPR story, in which the author does indeed point out the obvious flaws (or at least, the fact that there are obvious flaws). She applauds it as a great example of “citizen science”, but also expresses concern about “pre-publication science gone wild”. And she notes:

A lot of interesting things to consider there.

It makes you wonder what would happen to packages labeled Agnostic.

While the disparity in delivery times is troubling, I couldn’t help but wonder about what their shoes were like, so I went and took a look at their product line and I gotta say: those are the shittiest looking and seemingly cheap to make shoes that I think I’ve ever seen selling for US$170.

I mean, seriously, I’m an atheist and I’d never support this company because their product looks like overpriced shite.

. Most likely an obscure warehouse somewhere with no defined purpose

They really want to be delivered, but they’re afraid of what people will think so they never actually arrive.

Nobody knows. Nor can they.

You really think so? I agree they’re expensive, but they don’t look badly made to me, and I think they’re pretty cool. And I’ll admit, I want a pair in “Kitten Testicle Grey”, just so I can mention the name of the color whenever possible.

Maybe the package gets delivered, maybe it doesn’t, no one can say.

I know. And I was so looking forward to wearing a pair of Candy Testicles.

So… you believe that when you die you’ll get thrown down a quarry?

Now it all makes sense.
As does your “cheap shoes” comment. Even though I’d love to tell people I’m wearing a “KITTEN TESTICLE GREY” shoe, it looks like something thrown together… for €129.

They look pretty well made to me. Stitching is very tight and the style is unique. Really the only downside for me is that they are all appear suede which means I’ll destroy them in minutes.

Soleless atheists?

They’re shoes that make you say “There is no God!”

You sort of do… they have “Ich Bin Atheist” debossed into the bottom of the sole, so you’ll leave that message in the sand (unless Jesus is carrying you…:rolleyes:).

Or Darwin Love.

Kitten Testicle Grey?
Naughty Schnitzel Pilz?
Nabokov Cream?


Are we sure this isn’t a joke?

I didn’t know the USPS had time to do “godless heathen” sorting.

The names are supposed to be funny, yes.